I am designing a schema for E-Commerce app, in which I would have 3 tables i.e Orders, Products, Customers.
So Should we store customer_id and product_id in Orders table straightaway.
The limitation to this is when a product or customer updates their attributes( i.e product price or customer name ), the orders table doesn't reflect them.
For Ex: A Customer bought a product at $10, but later on the product price gets updated to $20.So now when we are referring to this order by product id we would get the result as it was bought at $20 instead of $10.
One solution would be to insert a new row into products table whenever an updates occur and perform a soft delete to that product so that it can be referenced from orders table.
Store most of the details in product and customer details in orders table.
Create a temporary table of customers and products whenever there is an update to these tables.
I am very much open to any other suggestions.