模式。循环遍历字符串中找到的所有匹配项,并添加或设置 Dictionary 中的现有对象。用作X
Structure Fish
Public ID As String
Public Name As String
Public Type As Integer
Public Age As Integer
End Structure
Dim Fishes As New Dictionary(Of String, Fish)
Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(str, "Fishes\[(?<key>\d+)]\.(?<prop>.+?)=(?<value>[^&]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
Do While m.Success
Dim key As String = m.Groups("key").Value.Trim.ToUpper
Dim prop As String = m.Groups("prop").Value.Trim.ToUpper
Dim value As String = m.Groups("value").Value
' if the key not yet exist in the Dictionary, create and add into it.
If Not Fishes.ContainsKey(key) Then
Fishes.Add(key, New Fish)
End If
Dim thisFish As Fish = Fishes(key) ' get the Fish object for this key
' determine the object property to set
Select Case prop
Case "ID" : thisFish.ID = value
Case "NAME" : thisFish.Name = value
Case "TYPE" : thisFish.Type = CInt(value)
Case "AGE" : thisFish.Age = CInt(value)
End Select
Fishes(key) = thisFish ' since the Fish object is declared as Structure,
' update the Dictionary item of key with the modified object.
' If Fish is declared as Class, then this line is useless
m = m.NextMatch()