我的问题是,当您访问此页面http://www.executivetravelholdings.com时,页面样式会在一秒钟内加载。我希望它像使用常规 CSS 一样加载。我的头部样式表较少,主体底部的样式表较少。我使用的是 less.js 1.3.3 和 PHP 而不是 html。对此的任何帮助将不胜感激。
3 回答
You're only supposed to use the client-side LESS renderer during development:
Client-side is the easiest way to get started and good for developing your LESS. For production and especially if performance is important, we recommend pre-compiling using node or one of the many third party tools.
In practice, you can either:
- Install Node.JS and render the file, then put the (static) compiled version and put it online.
- Use a GUI app to compile the LESS file, like SimppLESS. Be sure that it's a recent version and that they've kept their internal LESS version up-to-date. (Easier)
- If you're using something like PHP, there are PHP ports of the LESS compiler. That way, it's rendered server side and cached. (More convenient)
你永远不会像原生 css 一样快,因为脚本必须首先解析 css。然而,这种强大的 FOUC 形式来自这样一个事实,即您在正文中提供的脚本较少,因此在转换和应用样式之前会呈现完整的文档。解决方案是将less.js
就个人而言,我永远不会(至少对于生产环境)使用 js 版本,但总是在服务器端处理样式。想象一下,用户阻止了 javascript 或根本没有可用的 javascript。
还要让用户浏览器和服务器(如果可能)缓存您的 less.js 输出。这样,您还可以改善导航。