我将 iis 网站从 windows 2003 iis6 移动到 2008 iis 7。由于某种原因,这个 asp 代码停止工作。我启用了跟踪,这就是我得到的:
错误代码 800a000d 描述类型不匹配。
我在If broj > 0 Then
网上搞定。这是因为经典的 asp 不能在 IIS7 上工作吗?
Dim cate, SQL, broj
cate = Request("cate")
SQL = "select count(*) as count from members where category_id = '" & cate & "' and status_flag <> 'NON-MEMBER' and status = 'APPROVED' order by company;"
rs.Open SQL,Con,adOpenKeyset,adLockOptimistic
broj = rs("count")
If broj > 0 Then // <-- this is the line where i get error ErrorCode 800a000d Description Type mismatch//
rs.PageSize = 3
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
SQL = "select * from members where category_id = '" & cate & "' and status_flag <> 'NON-MEMBER' and status = 'APPROVED' order by company;"
rs.Open SQL,Con
datum = MonthName(Month(rs("last_updated"))) & " " & Day(rs("last_updated")) & ", " & Year(rs("last_updated"))