我目前有大约 30,000 个实体(约 10 MB)存储在数据存储中。数据永远不会改变,除非我以管理员身份更新它。为了避免使用bulkloader的麻烦,我正在考虑将所有这些数据存储在python dict中。

有没有人试过这个?我可以在 App Engine 上的字典中存储多少数据,而新实例的启动时间不会非常糟糕?在 App Engine 的内存中存储 30k 个对象还有其他缺点吗?


1 回答 1


Holding all static data in memory is a great idea to improve performance. Non surprisingly, how much data you can you in memory depends on how much memory you have.

App Engine allows you to choose how much memory to put on your instances, so the limit will depend on your choice. For now the default is 128MB, configurable up to 1024MB.


于 2013-06-19T18:50:44.863 回答