I bumped into this code:Foursquare like feed here's the working DEMO

but I can't figure out why it makes all the feeds ("#feed0", "#feed1","#feed2" ...) altogether??

Ironically... Why does this code work? :)

There is some part that erases the feed when it comes to its end, I don't know why. It looks pretty standard but I am not a jQuery expert. I did notice the animations complete right on the spot. The shift() function happens right away and the animation happen just after it completes.

  1. What makes the bunch of divs move together?
  2. what is needed to make it operate on n number of feeds?

1 回答 1

  1. 部分一起移动,因为在 html 中它们位于 div 块内。

  2. 在代码中JavScript(Jquery),如果您查看第 3 行,它会显示:

    var 显示 = 3; //一次显示多少个项目


于 2013-06-19T01:32:07.080 回答