When i had the website on IIS 6.0, the classic ASP was called correctly from HTML and the email functionality in .asp file used to work. But i changed the IIS to 7.0 from 6.0 and i get this error when .asp is called. I think this has to do with Web.config file for the code to work.

Below is the code in HTML page that calls Classic Asp Page and the website is in asp.net using c#.

<form action="sendmail_feedback.asp" method="post" name="feedback" id="feedback" onsubmit="validate()">

What do you guys think i should add in web.config for the above piece of code to work.

Thank you in advance!


1 回答 1


正如 Preston Guillot 所写,我通过在服务器管理器中安装经典 ASP 来解决这个问题:

添加角色/功能->Web 服务器(IIS)->Web 服务器->应用程序开发->ASP(经典朴素的 ASP,而不是 ASP.NET)

于 2014-08-11T18:33:55.097 回答