我正在用 C 语言实现一个小程序,它使用一个名为“libhelper.so”的共享库。“libhelper.so”在它的 h 文件中定义了一个结构,但遗憾的是,根据目标系统,这些定义是不同的(libhelper.so 总是由系统提供,而不是我自己提供):


struct theStruct {
        int fd;
        unsigned int flags;
        struct config config; // only in System A
        int foo; // in both systems
        int bar; // only in System A

系统 B:

struct theStruct {
        int fd;
        unsigned int flags;
        int foo; // in both systems
        int foobar; // only in system B


struct theStruct {
        int fd;
        unsigned int flags;
        struct config config; // only in System A
        int foo; // in both systems
        int foobar; // only in system B
        int bar; // only in System A


但似乎我得到的只是像 1...6 这样的值,它看起来像结构中字段的位置。



4 回答 4



首先,结构的所有定义必须相同,否则你会得到臭名昭著的 Undefined Behaviour。



struct theStruct {
        int fd;
        unsigned int flags;
        struct config config;
        int foo; // in both systems
        union {
            int bar; // only in System A
            int foobar; // only in system B

如果选择此选项,则应仅bar在系统 A 和foobar系统 B 上使用。

如果两个系统不兼容,并且需要的实际类型bar在系统 B 上不可用(反之亦然),您可以使用以下代码:

struct theStruct {
        int fd;
        unsigned int flags;
        struct config config;
        int foo; // in both systems
#ifdef SYSTEM_A
        int bar; // only in System A
#ifdef SYSTEM_B
        int foobar; // only in system B
#pragma error(either SYSTEM_A or SYSTEM_B must be enabled)

这样一来,您将始终使用为系统 A 或系统 B 编译的代码,因此您需要有不同的可执行文件(如果您为系统如此不同,这似乎是不可避免的)。

您需要将访问字段的部分代码包装到#ifdefs 中:

#ifdef SYSTEM_A
s.bar = 5;

-- 否则你会在系统 B 上得到编译错误。

于 2013-06-18T22:31:12.573 回答


struct mystruct;
mystruct.member1 = theStruct.member1; //the common part of the struct
mystruct.member2 = theStruct.member2;
#ifdef platform1
  mystruct.member3 = theStruct.p1member; //specific to platform1
  mystruct.member4 = -1;
  mystruct.member3 = -1; 
  mystruct.member4 = theStruct.p2member; //specific to platform2
于 2013-06-18T22:45:56.017 回答



听起来您有一些函数libraryFunction ()返回指向 a 的指针struct theStruct。但是,实际布局struct theStruct取决于您的应用程序在其上运行的特定系统。在这个结构中是您需要访问的一些信息。您不指定库函数的调用参数或签名,如果指向的指针struct theStruct作为函数值返回,或者指向指针的指针是参数列表的一部分。我会假设它是一个函数返回值。

创建一个您为所需信息定义的结构。创建两个文件,每个文件都有一个函数,该函数接受一个 void 指针和一个指向新结构的指针,然后用库提供的结构中所需的数据填充结构。这两个文件中的每一个都将使用指定的特定系统目标(SystemA 或 SystemB)进行编译,以便您的转换函数将根据目标系统解释库函数提供的结构,并用您想要的数据填充您的结构。

系统 A 的文件 1

// copy of the struct used in System A which is in the library header file
// put here for reference only as should be in the header file
struct theStruct {
    int fd;
    unsigned int flags;
    struct config config; // only in System A
    int foo; // in both systems
    int bar; // only in System A

// my struct that contains the data from struct theStruct that I want
// would be in a header file included into each of these files but here for reference
struct myConvertStruct {
   int foo;

void convert2SystemA (void *structPtr, struct *myStruct)
   myStruct->foo = ((struct theStruct *)structPtr)->foo;

系统 B 的文件 2

// copy of the struct used in System B which is in the library header file
// put here for reference only as should be in the header file
struct theStruct {
    int fd;
    unsigned int flags;
    int foo; // in both systems
    int foobar; // only in system B

// my struct that contains the data from struct theStruct that I want
// would be in a header file included into each of these files but here for reference
struct myConvertStruct {
   int foo;

void convert2SystemB (void *structPtr, struct *myStruct)
   myStruct->foo = ((struct theStruct *)structPtr)->foo;

文件 3 使用转换函数

// my struct that contains the data from struct theStruct that I want
// would be in a header file included into each of these files but here for reference
struct myConvertStruct {
   int foo;

  struct myConvertStruct myStruct;
  // some function body and now we come to the library call

  if (mySystem == SystemA) {
    void *pStruct = libraryFunction (......);
    convert2SystemA (pStruct, &myStruct);
  } else if (mySystem == SystemB) {
    void *pStruct = libraryFunction (......);
    convert2SystemB (pStruct, &myStruct);
  } else {
     //  some error conditions
  // now use the data that you have pulled as you want to use it

于 2013-06-19T00:13:31.810 回答

您的建议不起作用的原因foo是系统 A 和系统 B 对成员的偏移量不同。您说您只能在运行时弄清楚您正在使用的系统。因此,当 System B 设置时foo,它可能最终会在内部设置一些东西config

enum system { SystemUnknown, SystemA, SystemB };

struct theStructSystemA {
        int fd;
        unsigned int flags;
        struct config config; // only in System A
        int foo; // in both systems
        int bar; // only in System A

struct theStructSystemB {
        int fd;
        unsigned int flags;
        int foo;
        int foobar;

struct myStruct {
        union {
            struct theStructSystemA a;
            struct theStructSystemB b;
        } u;
        enum system sys;

struct myStruct s = { 0 };

现在,您可以设置bar一些无效值:s.u.a.bar = -1例如。现在,当你调用你的库时,你可以检查:

s.u.a.bar = -1;
some_libhelper_call((void *)&s);
if (s.u.a.bar != -1) s.sys = SystemA;
else s.sys = SystemB;


于 2013-06-18T23:55:11.473 回答