I am trying to hook up Django-Facebook to use with Userena. Userena works fine on its own, but I am having problems getting Django-facebook to work with it. Once registered with Facebook, users are not given "active" status in user permissions:

Not Active Status

Which means that they cannot edit their profiles and perform other account related actions. How do I set up Django-Facebook with Django-Userena so that once registering, Facebook registered users have the same permissions as Userena registered users? I want all users to have the same capabilities whether registered through Facebook or Userena. What's the standard way to deal with this?


class Profile(UserenaBaseProfile, FacebookProfileModel):
    user = models.OneToOneField(User,
    website = models.URLField(null=True, blank=True)
    my_info = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
    zipcode = models.IntegerField(max_length=5, null=True, blank=True)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.user.username

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