#include <limits>
const int NODE_SIZE = 512;
template <typename K, typename D>
class Node {
long next;
short num;
K* keys;
D* data;
Node( int l, int order );
// num is calculated by something like this...
num = NODE_SIZE - sizeof( Node<K,D> ) - sizeof( long );
num /= (sizeof( D ) + sizeof( K ));
// Constructor
// Will be called with a placement-new and given a NODE_SIZE
// byte block of memory, aligned at NODE_SIZE
template<typename K, typename D>
Node<K,D>::Node( int n ) : num ( n ), next( 0 ) {
keys = reinterpret_cast<K*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&next) +
sizeof( *this ));
int numbytes = num*sizeof(K);
// Make sure we're aligned to a void *.
if ( numbytes % sizeof( void * ) ) {
numbytes = (numbytes / sizeof( void * )+1)*sizeof( void * );
// Align to the number of bytes in a void *
data = reinterpret_cast<D*>( reinterpret_cast<char*>(keys)+numbytes);
for( int i=0; i<num; i++ ) keys[i] = std::numeric_limits<K>::max();
由于 key 中的元素是按排序顺序排列的,我真的很希望能够使用 std::vector 和 std::vector 这样我就可以使用其他人的向量插入代码而不是自己编写(不是很难,而是为什么要重新发明轮子?)。