以下解决方案快速且经过测试。希望它有用。它使用了您已经想到的双缓冲想法。 编辑:简化循环删除将第一次迭代与其余迭代分开的条件。
public static void StreamCopy(Stream inStream, Stream outStream) {
// Define the size of the chunk to copy during each iteration (1 KiB)
const int blockSize = 1024;
const int bytesToOmit = 16;
const int buffSize = blockSize + bytesToOmit;
// Generate working buffers
byte[] buffer1 = new byte[buffSize];
byte[] buffer2 = new byte[buffSize];
// Initialize first iteration
byte[] curBuffer = buffer1;
byte[] prevBuffer = null;
int bytesRead;
// Attempt to fully fill the buffer
bytesRead = inStream.Read(curBuffer, 0, buffSize);
if( bytesRead == buffSize ) {
// We succesfully retrieved a whole buffer, we will output
// only [blockSize] bytes, to avoid writing to the last
// bytes in the buffer in case the remaining 16 bytes happen to
// be the last ones
outStream.Write(curBuffer, 0, blockSize);
} else {
// We couldn't retrieve the whole buffer
int bytesToWrite = bytesRead - bytesToOmit;
if( bytesToWrite > 0 ) {
outStream.Write(curBuffer, 0, bytesToWrite);
// There's no more data to process
curBuffer = buffer2;
prevBuffer = buffer1;
while( true ) {
// Attempt again to fully fill the buffer
bytesRead = inStream.Read(curBuffer, 0, buffSize);
if( bytesRead == buffSize ) {
// We retrieved the whole buffer, output first the last 16
// bytes of the previous buffer, and output just [blockSize]
// bytes from the current buffer
outStream.Write(prevBuffer, blockSize, bytesToOmit);
outStream.Write(curBuffer, 0, blockSize);
} else {
// We could not retrieve a complete buffer
if( bytesRead <= bytesToOmit ) {
// The bytes to output come solely from the previous buffer
outStream.Write(prevBuffer, blockSize, bytesRead);
} else {
// The bytes to output come from the previous buffer and
// the current buffer
outStream.Write(prevBuffer, blockSize, bytesToOmit);
outStream.Write(curBuffer, 0, bytesRead - bytesToOmit);
// swap buffers for next iteration
byte[] swap = prevBuffer;
prevBuffer = curBuffer;
curBuffer = swap;
static void Assert(Stream inStream, Stream outStream) {
// Routine that tests the copy worked as expected
inStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
outStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Debug.Assert(outStream.Length == Math.Max(inStream.Length - bytesToOmit, 0));
for( int i = 0; i < outStream.Length; i++ ) {
int byte1 = inStream.ReadByte();
int byte2 = outStream.ReadByte();
Debug.Assert(byte1 == byte2);
一个更简单的编码解决方案,但速度较慢,因为它可以在字节级别工作,是在输入流和输出流之间使用中间队列。该进程将首先从输入流中读取 16 个字节并将其排入队列。然后它将遍历剩余的输入字节,从输入流中读取一个字节,将其入队,然后将一个字节出队。出队的字节将被写入输出流,直到输入流中的所有字节都被处理。不需要的 16 个字节应该留在中间队列中。