是否可以为每个捆绑的卡定义特定的位置和菜单项选项?我目前正在使用 Java 进行开发,不确定是否可以在 TimelineItem.setHtmlPages(List) 方法中包含此类参数。我希望一些捆绑的卡片有一个菜单项来允许导航。


2 回答 2


你不能用“HTML Bundle”来做到这一点。



于 2013-06-18T12:34:29.480 回答

You are looking for threading, which is used to bundle together related items.

Threading allows you to define different menu items for each item in a bundle. To thread together a series of timeline items, specify the same bundleId for each timelineItem.bundleId.

Currently, there is no method to easily assign a specific order for each item in a bundle, but this is a feature request. You can choose one timeline item to be the cover of the bundle by setting timelineItem.isBundleCover of that item to true. Beyond this, timeline items are automatically sorted in the order of when they were last updated. One hack to try to order item right now is to just update all the items in the bundle in the order that you want them to appear.

Bundling can easily be used incorrectly, so be sure to also check out the design guidelines.

于 2013-06-19T21:14:53.773 回答