If i click the a element "Link1" e.target in the function is the node Link1. I want to know in what index this node is in the ul children in this case i want indexOf to return 0 because Link1 is on position 0, and i i click 2 i want it to be 1.
<div class="link">
self.query('.link').forEach(function(linkNode, flikIndex, flikArr) {
dojo.query(linkNode, 'click', function(e) {
var t = e.target; //If i click Link1 this is Link1 and if i click Link2 and so on.
var parent = t.parentNode; //Contains the parent to my a in this case li
var ancestor = t.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes; //Containes 2 li
var index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(parent, ancestor); //Return -1 but i want it to return 0 because Link1 is on place [0] in the array.
Please help me get the right index