WCF 接收适配器和 BizTalk 服务器中的其他接收适配器有何不同?
eg: BizTalk server 中WCF 的basichttp 适配器可以做什么,普通的BizTalk http 适配器也可以,那有什么区别呢?
WCF 接收适配器和 BizTalk 服务器中的其他接收适配器有何不同?
eg: BizTalk server 中WCF 的basichttp 适配器可以做什么,普通的BizTalk http 适配器也可以,那有什么区别呢?
Where to begin...
For starters, here is the documentation:
WCF-BasicHttp Adapter = http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb246098.aspx
HTTP Adapter = http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee267545(v=bts.10).aspx
WCF in general = http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms731082.aspx
What is the basic difference is that all WCF adapters are WCF based and as such are fully extensible, configurable in all ways WCF bindings supports. This gives you full flexibility in your connectivity. Much more than you get with the traditional adapters.
Worth mentioning as well is that WCF is off course fully compatible with the Microsoft .NET stack (since 3.5 I think) and can be used for all types of communication out of the box. MS SQL, Oracle, BasicHttp, Siebel, ...
Also worth mentioning is that WCF fully complies to WS-* standards (where applicable) and has lots more support then custom coding anyting.
Hope this somewhat covers the tip of the iceberg about differences...