我需要制作一个驱动 DYMO LabelManager PnP 标签打印设备的程序。DYMO为此提供了一个SDK,但经过一番拼命尝试后,我会说这个SDK毫无用处。然后我找到了一个正是我需要的程序,它是由一个名叫 S.Bronner 的人编写的。但问题是他的程序是为 UNIX 中的 Python 编写的,我需要它在 Windows 中使用 python 工作。所以我在问,有没有人可以检查这段代码并将其转换为在 Windows 中为我工作?我的 Python 技能不足以完成此任务。这是应该转换的代码:

#!/usr/bin/env python

DEV_CLASS      = 3
DEV_VENDOR     = 0x0922
DEV_PRODUCT    = 0x1001
DEV_NODE       = None
DEV_NAME       = 'Dymo LabelManager PnP'
FONT_FILENAME  = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf'

import Image
import ImageDraw
import ImageFont
import array
import fcntl
import os
import re
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import termios
import textwrap

class DymoLabeler:
    Create and work with a Dymo LabelManager PnP object.

This class contains both mid-level and high-level functions. In general,
the high-level functions should be used. However, special purpose usage
may require the mid-level functions. That is why they are provided.
However, they should be well understood before use. Look at the
high-level functions for help. Each function is marked in its docstring
with 'HLF' or 'MLF' in parentheses.

def __init__(self, dev):
    """Initialize the LabelManager object. (HLF)"""
    self.maxBytesPerLine = 8  # 64 pixels on a 12mm-tape
    self.ESC = 0x1b
    self.SYN = 0x16
    self.cmd = []
    self.rsp = False
    self.bpl = None
    self.dtb = 0
    if not os.access(dev, os.R_OK | os.W_OK): return False
    self.dev = open(dev, 'r+')

def sendCommand(self):
    """Send the already built command to the LabelManager. (MLF)"""
    if len(self.cmd) == 0: return
    cmdBin = array.array('B', self.cmd)
    self.cmd = []
    if not self.rsp: return
    self.rsp = False
    rspBin = self.dev.read(8)
    rsp = array.array('B', rspBin).tolist()
    return rsp

def resetCommand(self):
    """Remove a partially built command. (MLF)"""
    self.cmd = []
    self.rsp = False

def buildCommand(self, cmd):
    """Add the next instruction to the command. (MLF)"""
    self.cmd += cmd

def statusRequest(self):
    """Set instruction to get the device's status. (MLF)"""
    cmd = [self.ESC, ord('A')]
    self.rsp = True

def dotTab(self, value):
    """Set the bias text height, in bytes. (MLF)"""
    if value < 0 or value > self.maxBytesPerLine: raise ValueError
    cmd = [self.ESC, ord('B'), value]
    self.dtb = value
    self.bpl = None

def tapeColor(self, value):
    """Set the tape color. (MLF)"""
    if value < 0: raise ValueError
    cmd = [self.ESC, ord('C'), value]

def bytesPerLine(self, value):
    """Set the number of bytes sent in the following lines. (MLF)"""
    if value < 0 or value + self.dtb > self.maxBytesPerLine: raise ValueError
    if value == self.bpl: return
    cmd = [self.ESC, ord('D'), value]
    self.bpl = value

def cut(self):
    """Set instruction to trigger cutting of the tape. (MLF)"""
    cmd = [self.ESC, ord('E')]

def line(self, value):
    """Set next printed line. (MLF)"""
    cmd = [self.SYN] + value

def chainMark(self):
    """Set Chain Mark. (MLF)"""
    self.line([0x99] * self.maxBytesPerLine)

def skipLines(self, value):
    """Set number of lines of white to print. (MLF)"""
    if value <= 0: raise ValueError
    cmd = [self.SYN] * value

def initLabel(self):
    """Set the label initialization sequence. (MLF)"""
    cmd = [0x00] * 8

def getStatus(self):
    """Ask for and return the device's status. (HLF)"""
    rsp = self.sendCommand()
    print rsp

def printLabel(self, lines, dotTab):
    """Print the label described by lines. (HLF)"""
    for line in lines:
    self.skipLines(56)  # advance printed matter past cutter
    self.skipLines(56)  # add symmetric margin
    rsp = self.sendCommand()
    print rsp

def die(message=None):
    if message: print >> sys.stderr, message

def pprint(par, fd=sys.stdout):
    rows, columns = struct.unpack('HH', fcntl.ioctl(sys.stderr, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, struct.pack('HH', 0, 0)))
    print >> fd, textwrap.fill(par, columns)

def getDeviceFile(classID, vendorID, productID):
    # find file containing the device's major and minor numbers
    searchdir = '/sys/bus/hid/devices'
    pattern = '^%04d:%04X:%04X.[0-9A-F]{4}$' % (classID, vendorID, productID)
    deviceCandidates = os.listdir(searchdir)
    foundpath = None
    for devname in deviceCandidates:
        if re.match(pattern, devname):
            foundpath = os.path.join(searchdir, devname)
    if not foundpath: return
    searchdir = os.path.join(foundpath, 'hidraw')
    devname = os.listdir(searchdir)[0]
    foundpath = os.path.join(searchdir, devname)
    filepath = os.path.join(foundpath, 'dev')

# get the major and minor numbers
f = open(filepath, 'r')
devnums = [int(n) for n in f.readline().strip().split(':')]
devnum = os.makedev(devnums[0], devnums[1])

# check if a symlink with the major and minor numbers is available
filepath = '/dev/char/%d:%d' % (devnums[0], devnums[1])
if os.path.exists(filepath):
    return os.path.realpath(filepath)

# check if the relevant sysfs path component matches a file name in
# /dev, that has the proper major and minor numbers
filepath = os.path.join('/dev', devname)
if os.stat(filepath).st_rdev == devnum:
    return filepath

# search for a device file with the proper major and minor numbers
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('/dev'):
    for filename in filenames:
        filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
        if os.stat(filepath).st_rdev == devnum:
            return filepath

def access_error(dev):
    pprint('You do not have sufficient access to the device file %s:' % dev, sys.stderr)
    subprocess.call(['ls', '-l', dev], stdout=sys.stderr)
    print >> sys.stderr
    pprint('You probably want to add a rule in /etc/udev/rules.d along the following lines:', sys.stderr)
    print >> sys.stderr, '    SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", \\'
    print >> sys.stderr, '    ACTION=="add", \\'
    print >> sys.stderr, '    DEVPATH=="/devices/pci[0-9]*/usb[0-9]*/0003:0922:1001.*/hidraw/hidraw0", \\'
    print >> sys.stderr, '    GROUP="plugdev"'
    print >> sys.stderr
    pprint('Following that, turn off your device and back on again to activate the new permissions.', sys.stderr)

# get device file name
if not DEV_NODE:
    dev = getDeviceFile(DEV_CLASS, DEV_VENDOR, DEV_PRODUCT)
    dev = DEV_NODE
if not dev: die("The device '%s' could not be found on this system." % DEV_NAME)

# create dymo labeler object
lm = DymoLabeler(dev)
if not lm: die(access_error(dev))

# check for any text specified on the command line
labeltext = [arg.decode(sys.stdin.encoding) for arg in sys.argv[1:]]
if len(labeltext) == 0: die("No label text was specified.")

# create an empty label image
labelheight = lm.maxBytesPerLine * 8
lineheight = float(labelheight) / len(labeltext)
fontsize = int(round(lineheight * FONT_SIZERATIO))
font = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_FILENAME, fontsize)
labelwidth = max(font.getsize(line)[0] for line in labeltext)
labelbitmap = Image.new('1', (labelwidth, labelheight))

# write the text into the empty image
labeldraw = ImageDraw.Draw(labelbitmap)
for i, line in enumerate(labeltext):
    lineposition = int(round(i * lineheight))
    labeldraw.text((0, lineposition), line, font=font, fill=255)
del labeldraw

# convert the image to the proper matrix for the dymo labeler object
labelrotated = labelbitmap.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
labelstream = labelrotated.tostring()
labelstreamrowlength = labelheight/8 + (1 if labelheight%8 != 0 else 0)
if len(labelstream)/labelstreamrowlength != labelwidth: die('An internal problem was encountered while processing the label bitmap!')
labelrows = [labelstream[i:i+labelstreamrowlength] for i in range(0, len(labelstream), labelstreamrowlength)]
labelmatrix = [array.array('B', labelrow).tolist() for labelrow in labelrows]

# optimize the matrix for the dymo label printer
dottab = 0
while max(line[0] for line in labelmatrix) == 0:
    labelmatrix = [line[1:] for line in labelmatrix]
    dottab += 1
for line in labelmatrix:
    while len(line) > 0 and line[-1] == 0:
        del line[-1]

# print the label
lm.printLabel(labelmatrix, dottab)

1 回答 1

FONT_FILENAME  = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf'
// should be changed to path to the font on your system


searchdir = '/sys/bus/hid/devices'
// take a look at "pywinusb" library (?)


filepath = '/dev/char/%d:%d' % (devnums[0], devnums[1])

这在 Windows 中无法访问,您必须以不同的方式进行操作。

除此之外,其他一切看起来都与操作系统无关。如果您在修复前 3 个问题后有任何错误,请将它们编辑到您的问题中。

于 2013-06-18T08:59:24.497 回答