这是一个经典的广度优先搜索问题,其中您有一个无向、未加权的图,并且您想找到 2 个顶点之间的最短路径。
- 源顶点和目标顶点之间没有路径
- 源和目标是同一个顶点
[[4191, 949], [3002, 4028, 957], [2494, 959, 3011], [4243, 965], [1478], ...]
{ 0: [4191, 949],
1: [3002, 4028, 957],
2: [2494, 959, 3011],
3: [4243, 965],
4: [1478], ...}
import sys
import sys
import Queue
def get_shortest_path(par, src, dest):
Returns the shortest path as a list of integers
par - parent information
src - source vertex
dest - destination vertex
if dest == src:
return [src]
ret = get_shortest_path(par, src, par[dest])
return ret
def bfs(edgeList, src, dest):
Breadth first search routine. Returns (distance, shortestPath) pair from src to dest. Returns (-1, []) if there is no path from src to dest
edgeList - adjacency list of graph. Either list of lists or dict of lists
src - source vertex
dest - destination vertex
vis = set() # stores the vertices that have been visited
par = {} # stores parent information. vertex -> parent vertex in BFS tree
distDict = {} # stores distance of visited vertices from the source. This is the number of edges between the source vertex and the given vertex
q = Queue.Queue()
q.put((src, 0)) # enqueue (source, distance) pair
par[src] = -1 # source has no parent
vis.add(src) # minor technicality, will explain later
while not q.empty():
(v,dist) = q.get() # grab vertex in queue
distDict[v] = dist # update the distance
if v == dest:
break # reached destination, done
nextDist = dist+1
for nextV in edgeList[v]:
# visit vertices adjacent to the current vertex
if nextV not in vis:
# not yet visited
par[nextV] = v # update parent of nextV to v
q.put((nextV, nextDist)) # add into queeu
vis.add(nextV) # mark as visited
# obtained shortest path now
if dest in distDict:
return (distDict[dest], get_shortest_path(par, src, dest))
return (-1, []) # no shortest path
# example run, feel free to remove this
if __name__ == '__main__':
edgeList = {
0: [6,],
1: [2, 7],
2: [1, 3, 6],
3: [2, 4, 5],
4: [3, 8],
5: [3, 7],
6: [0, 2],
7: [1, 5],
8: [4],
while True:
src = int(sys.stdin.readline())
dest = int(sys.stdin.readline())
(dist, shortest_path) = bfs(edgeList, src, dest)
print 'dist =', dist
print 'shortest_path =', shortest_path