
我们被要求开发一个 EMR 系统。但我们并不完全了解 EMR 的覆盖范围。关于我们将如何开始这个项目的任何提示?我们决定使用 ASP.NET 和 SQL。


2 回答 2


I assume by EMR you mean Electronic Medical Record?

Be wary. 1) This is an area related to health, and, as such, is probably littered with administrative and legislative pitfalls that you need to be aware of (liability can be a big problem). There will be concerns about - data protection - data traceability, authentication... - data exchange with existing systems - liability on bugs that might lead to a medical error

2) There is a big amount of medical-technobabble you will need to understand, as well as a big amount of implicit standard procedures in the medical area. Be prepared to spend a lot of time with the end-users. They will not have a lot of time for you, as their job is a very demanding one, and they might not have a lot of understanding for you not knowing their habits and language.

Point 2 is, arguably, something that comes up with every project, but if your expertise is far from this subject, it might come back and bite you. This is probably a good candidate for an agile release-early/often cycle otherwise you WILL end up delivering an unusable system.

From the top of my head, this is what I can see. I would not advise using stackoverflow as the source of information on what is an EMR though... there are bound to be better sources. Maybe a little more discussion with your client first, backed by reading at least a few of the documents referenced by the wikipedia EMR page.

All in all, your question seems to show that you might not envision the complexity of the task, and all its dangers. Yes, at the end of the day it is just another data management system with a few quirks, but it is in a very sensitive area, so be careful and think hard, or dig a little, before taking on the project. Do some research...

于 2013-06-18T11:11:51.287 回答


  • “项目”本身是一个临时实体,意味着如果你要开始一个项目,必须有一些交付日期,必须有要求。专注于此。

  • 然后决定你要做的项目,想想你的能力,不要做你做不到的事情。请明确点。

  • 确保每个人的期望都很明确。不仅如此,它还涉及版本控制存储库(推荐SVN),持续集成,测试,QA等

  • 始终监控您的进度,这将基于方法论(如敏捷)

这是基本的,在您的 EMR 项目中

  • 收集需求(非常重要,如果您不知道该怎么做,没有人可以帮助您)
  • 制定一个计划
  • 去吧 :)
于 2013-06-18T07:42:19.680 回答