I am using syncfusion way to create excel sheets. Now I want to create pdf with same format. I looked at sample code of syncfusion and its very complex. So Is there any way to use already created excels to generate pdfs.
I used this code to create excel
Assembly executingAssembly = typeof(MainPage).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
Stream inputStream = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("CRICKIT.Assets.TVM.xlsx");
IWorkbook book = await this.excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.OpenAsync(inputStream);
//Create Template Marker Processor
ITemplateMarkersProcessor marker = book.CreateTemplateMarkersProcessor();
//Binding the business object with the marker.
marker.AddVariable("TVMManager", App.ViewModel.TVMManager);
//Applies the marker.
return book;