This class was defined in my project:

class B : public A
 A& Get_a(int type);

 int line_num;
 const char* file_name;
 int int_value;
 bool bool-val;

The function Get_a is implemented like this (I put the relevant parts only):

A& B::Get_a(int type)
     B* returned_a = B->Get_val(type);
     return *(A*)(returned_a) ;

This is the code where I use this class:

B b_val;
A* a_val = &b_val->Get_a(5);

My code is compiled to a different DLL than the DLL where the classes A and B are compiled to. My DLL doesn't compile with the flag COMPILE_FLAG, but the DLL of A, B does compile with this flag. I didn't get any compile error even though my code is trying to convert from different B classes. During my code execution, a_val had garbage field values; actually shifted values.

I would like some explanations on why the C++ compiler didn't warn me from this bug, and also a coding tip of how to improve these #ifdef definitions (I was informed that these fields are used for logging).

Edit: if i would write 2 classes with the same name, each class in a different dll. Then, if i would create a reference between them, i would get a compile error. The preprocesor runs before the compiler, so the compiler can check this redefinition of a class.


3 回答 3


#ifdef是一个预处理器指令。预处理作为编译的第一部分执行。只有在预处理之后,正常的 C++ 语法才必须是有效的并且可以被检查。


于 2013-06-18T06:46:34.793 回答

我想解释一下为什么 C++ 编译器没有警告我这个错误



所以你必须在所有 DLL 中重新编译到相同的版本,如果它们要相互定义的话。

于 2013-06-18T06:31:34.170 回答

#ifdef不会改变你在哪里使用它。如果COMPILE_FLAG不是这样定义,#define COMPILE_FLAG则不会编译该块。所以,你不能使用这些变量(line_num,file_name),如果你使用它们就会得到。这两行完全被忽略了。因此,您也必须将使用这些变量的代码放入其中#ifdef

于 2013-06-18T06:26:26.010 回答