I have a database which I selected as source, and my current db project which I selected as target, now the schema compare shows me a table that is missing in my db project, upon clicking on update I would expect that the file is added to my project, however nothing happens. Do I missunderstand the purpose of this tool, or is there a bug ?


2 回答 2


我有一个类似的问题。当我将 Visual Studio 更改为以管理员身份运行时,它开始工作。我猜这是某种类型的权限问题,即使它没有给出任何错误来表明这一点。希望有帮助。

于 2013-08-15T15:54:00.253 回答

您可以再次重新进行架构比较。有时它显示为不在项目文件中。前段时间我遇到过同样的问题。我所做的是,在数据库项目中创建了一个 sql 文件并将创建表脚本添加到该文件中。找不到除此之外的任何其他解决方案。

于 2013-08-08T18:39:34.997 回答