你有一个“k-combinations”算法:给定 n 个项目,选择其中的 k 个,将排序视为无关紧要。从古人那里,我们知道可以期待多少种组合:
(n - k)! k!
对于给定的 n(例如,10),当 k 等于 n (5) 的一半时,该表达式最大化。当 n 或 k 接近极端时,组合的数量会变得更少。
如果该公式是您的最坏情况界限,您的算法是否在多项式时间内运行?在这些问题上,我比专家更直观,但我认为答案是否定的。最坏的情况是 when k = n / 2
,它为您提供以下简化。尽管分母变得非常非常快,但与分子的 Chuck-Norris 增长率相比,它还是相形见绌。
(n/2)! (n/2)!
# For example, when n = 40.
product(1..40) product( 21..40) # Eat my dust, Homer!
----------------------------- = ---------------------
product(1..20) product(1..20) product(1..20 ) # Doh!
# Q.E.D.
许多 n 和 k 值的经验说明:
from itertools import combinations
from math import factorial
n_calls = 0
def combos(vals, size):
# Track the number of calls.
global n_calls
n_calls += 1
# Basically your algorithm, but simplified
# and written as a generator.
for i in range(0, len(vals) - size + 1):
v = vals[i]
if size == 1:
yield [v]
for c in combos(vals[i+1:], size - 1):
yield [v] + c
def expected_n(n, k):
# The mathematical formula for expected N of k-combinations.
return factorial(n) / ( factorial(n - k) * factorial(k) )
def main():
global n_calls
# Run through a bunch of values for n and k.
max_n = 15
for n in range(1, max_n + 1):
# Worst case is when k is half of n.
worst_case = expected_n(n, n // 2)
for k in range(1, n + 1):
# Get the combos and count the calls.
n_calls = 0
vs = list(range(n))
cs = list(combos(vs, k))
# Our result agrees with:
# - itertools.combinations
# - the math
# - the worst-case analysis
assert cs == list(list(c) for c in combinations(vs, k))
assert len(cs) == expected_n(n, k)
assert n_calls <= worst_case
assert len(cs) <= worst_case
# Inspect the numbers for one value of n.
if n == max_n:
print [n, k, len(cs), n_calls]
[15, 1, 15, 1]
[15, 2, 105, 15]
[15, 3, 455, 105]
[15, 4, 1365, 455]
[15, 5, 3003, 1365]
[15, 6, 5005, 3003]
[15, 7, 6435, 5005]
[15, 8, 6435, 6435]
[15, 9, 5005, 6435]
[15, 10, 3003, 5005]
[15, 11, 1365, 3003]
[15, 12, 455, 1365]
[15, 13, 105, 455]
[15, 14, 15, 105]
[15, 15, 1, 15]