我有 Visual Basic for Applications 代码,WinHttp
可以完美地使用运行在 32 位 Windows XP 上的 32 位 Office 2010。相同的代码无法在 64 位 Windows 8 上的 64 位 Office 2013 上正常运行,即使它编译得很好。
在 Windows 8 上返回错误 87“参数不正确”。
我已经双重检查和三重检查,所有指针在适当的代码中都声明为 LongPtr。我究竟做错了什么?
下面是在 32 位 Excel/Windows 上运行良好,但在 64 位 Excel/Windows 上运行失败的代码:
dwStructSize As Long
lpszScheme As LongPtr
dwSchemeLength As Long
nScheme As Long
lpszHostName As LongPtr
dwHostNameLength As Long
nPort As Long
lpszUserName As LongPtr
dwUserNameLength As Long
lpszPassword As LongPtr
dwPasswordLength As Long
lpszUrlPath As LongPtr
dwUrlPathLength As Long
lpszExtraInfo As LongPtr
dwExtraInfoLength As Long
End Type
Private Declare PtrSafe Function WinHttpCrackUrl Lib "WinHTTP" ( _
ByVal pwszUrl As LongPtr, _
ByVal dwUrlLength As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
ByRef lpUrlComponents As URL_COMPONENTS) As Long
Sub Test()
Dim result as Long
Dim mURL as String
mURL = "http://www.stackoverflow.com" & vbNullChar
With URLComp
.dwStructSize = Len(URLComp)
.dwHostNameLength = -1
.dwSchemeLength = -1
.dwUrlPathLength = -1
End With
result = WinHttpCrackUrl(StrPtr(mURL), 0, 0, URLComp)
' Prints 1 on 32-bit Excel/Windows (indicating success)
' Prints 0 on 64-bit Excel/Windows (indicating failure)
Debug.Print result
' Prints 87 on 64-bit Excel/Windows ("The parameter is incorrect.")
Debug.Print err.LastDllError
End Sub