
与其说是一个问题,不如说是一个问题...... Aviary 如何实现几乎即时的调整速度,例如亮度、与滑块或“效果”(过滤器,例如 lomo)的对比度,正如他们所说的那样?

Camanjs 能以某种方式匹配吗?


我即将推出一个使用 Caman 的网站,它是一个非常以社交媒体为中心的网站,但我不想被视为某个东西的慢版本。不喜欢 Aviary 品牌,但最终用户真的关心吗?


1 回答 1


While I can't say that I've worked with those, usually when there's a massive speed difference it is caused by either redundancies in the code, "noob-proofing" or terribad/dirty code.

To answer your other question, unless there is a specific reason for it (large images not loaded asynchronously for some reason, high level of security, multiple database queries, etc.) your website should load relatively fast. IMO, if the site takes more than 2-3 seconds to load, you're doing something wrong.

Hope this helps...


I would suggest using a server-side image manipulator instead aswell as server-side caching techniques to improve the speed of image loading (.i.e. no DB querying)

于 2013-06-17T22:08:38.457 回答