我正在进行的项目必须在程序运行之前测试 dsPIC30F 芯片的数据存储器。由于行业要求,我们无法使用 C 必须提供的任何预定义库。话虽如此,这是我测试 RAM 的方法:
Step 1 - Write the word 0xAAAA to a specific location in memory (defined by a LoopIndex added to the START_OF_RAM address)
Step 2 - increment LoopIndex
Step 3 - Repeat Steps 1-2 until LoopIndex + START_OF_RAM >= END_OF_RAM
Step 4 - Reset LoopIndex = 0
Step 5 - Read memory at LoopIndex+START_OF_RAM
Step 6 - If memory = 0xAAAA, continue, else throw RAM_FAULT_HANDLER
Step 7 - increment LoopIndex
Step 8 - Repeat Step 5 - 7 until LoopIndex + START_OF_RAM >= END_OF_RAM
现在,奇怪的是我可以单步执行代码,没问题。只要我的小指可以按 F8,它就会慢慢地循环遍历每个内存地址,但是当我尝试在第 4 步设置断点时,它会无缘无故地抛出一个随机的通用中断处理程序。我认为这可能是由于for()
我使用的可能超过 END_OF_RAM,但我已经改变了条件的界限,它仍然不喜欢运行。
void PerformRAMTest()
// Locals
uint32_t LoopIndex = 0;
uint16_t *AddressUnderTest;
uint32_t RAMvar = 0;
uint16_t i = 0;
// Loop through RAM and write the first pattern (0xAA) - from the beginning to the first RESERVED block
for(LoopIndex = 0x0000; LoopIndex < C_RAM_END_ADDRESS; LoopIndex+= 2)
AddressUnderTest = (uint32_t*)(C_RAM_START_ADDRESS + LoopIndex);
*AddressUnderTest = 0xAAAA;
}// end for
for(LoopIndex = 0x0000; LoopIndex < C_RAM_END_ADDRESS; LoopIndex += 2)
AddressUnderTest = (uint32_t*)(C_RAM_START_ADDRESS + LoopIndex);
if(*AddressUnderTest != 0xAAAA)
// If what was read does not equal what was written, log the
// RAM fault in NVM and call the RAMFaultHandler()
}// end if
// Loop through RAM and write then verify the second pattern (0x55)
// - from the beginning to the first RESERVED block
// for(LoopIndex = C_RAM_START_ADDRESS; LoopIndex < C_RAM_END_ADDRESS; LoopIndex++)
// {
// AddressUnderTest = (uint32_t*)(C_RAM_START_ADDRESS + LoopIndex);
// *AddressUnderTest = 0x5555;
// if(*AddressUnderTest != 0x5555)
// {
// // If what was read does not equal what was written, log the
// // RAM fault in NVM and call the RAMFaultHandler()
// RAMFaultHandler();
// }
// }
}// end PerformRAMTest
. 这是给我的原始实现,但它从未起作用(至少就调试/运行而言;这种写入方法遇到了相同的随机中断,然后在继续之前立即读取相同的地址)
更新:在几次 Clean&Builds 之后,代码现在将运行,直到它碰到堆栈指针 (WREG15),跳过,然后出错。这是相关代码的新示例:
if(AddressUnderTest >= &SPLIMIT && AddressUnderTest <= SPLIMIT)
// if true, set the Loop Index to point to the end of the stack
LoopIndex = (uint16_t)SPLIMIT;
else if(AddressUnderTest == &SPLIMIT) // checkint to see if AddressUnderTest points directly to the stack [This works while the previous >= &SPLIMIT does not. It will increment into the stack, update, THEN say "oops, I just hit the stack" and error out.]
LoopIndex = &SPLIMIT;
*AddressUnderTest = 0xAAAA;