我在 GTMHTTPUploadFetcher.m 文件中收到一条警告,提示找不到“-fetcherWithRequest:fetcherClass”(返回类型默认为“id”)


+ (GTMHTTPUploadFetcher *)uploadFetcherWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
                                    fetcherService:(GTMHTTPFetcherService *)fetcherService {
    // Internal utility method for instantiating fetchers
    GTMHTTPUploadFetcher *fetcher;
    if (fetcherService) {
        fetcher = [fetcherService fetcherWithRequest:request
    } else {
        fetcher = (GTMHTTPUploadFetcher *) [self fetcherWithRequest:request];
    return fetcher;




- (void)uploadNextChunkWithOffset:(NSUInteger)offset
                fetcherProperties:(NSMutableDictionary *)props {
    // upload another chunk
    NSUInteger chunkSize = [self chunkSize];

    NSString *rangeStr, *lengthStr;
    NSData *chunkData;

    NSUInteger dataLen = [self fullUploadLength];

    if (offset == kQueryServerForOffset) {
        // resuming, so we'll initially send an empty data block and wait for the
        // server to tell us where the current offset really is
        chunkData = [NSData data];
        rangeStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"bytes */%lu", (unsigned long)dataLen];
        lengthStr = @"0";
        offset = 0;
    } else {
        // uploading the next data chunk

**//this is the exact line of code causing the problem//**

        (unsigned long)NSAssert2(offset < dataLen, @"offset %lu exceeds data length %lu",
                  offset, dataLen);


        NSUInteger thisChunkSize = chunkSize;

        // if the chunk size is bigger than the remaining data, or else
        // it's close enough in size to the remaining data that we'd rather
        // avoid having a whole extra http fetch for the leftover bit, then make
        // this chunk size exactly match the remaining data size
        BOOL isChunkTooBig = (thisChunkSize + offset > dataLen);
        BOOL isChunkAlmostBigEnough = (dataLen - offset < thisChunkSize + 2500);

        if (isChunkTooBig || isChunkAlmostBigEnough) {
            thisChunkSize = dataLen - offset;

        chunkData = [self uploadSubdataWithOffset:offset

        rangeStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"bytes %lu-%u/%lu",
                    (unsigned long)offset, offset + thisChunkSize - 1, (unsigned long)dataLen];
        lengthStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu", (unsigned long)thisChunkSize];

//related to this

! expanded from macro 'NSAssert2'

    #define NSAssert2(condition, desc, arg1, arg2) NSAssert((condition), (desc), (arg1), (arg2))

! expanded from macro 'NSAssert'

    #if !defined(_NSAssertBody)
    #define NSAssert(condition, desc, ...)  \
        do {                \
        if (!(condition)) {     \
            [[NSAssertionHandler currentHandler] handleFailureInMethod:_cmd \
            object:self file:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__] \
                lineNumber:__LINE__ description:(desc), ##__VA_ARGS__]; \
        }               \
        } while(0)

更新 Xcode 后才开始出现错误(不是更新到新版本)


通过进入时间机器并恢复旧的 .m 文件并替换它来解决这个问题。它不会给我一个错误,但是由于 MIME 类型问题我无法上传视频,但那是另一篇文章。


1 回答 1


通过进入时间机器并恢复旧的 .m 文件并替换它来解决这个问题。

于 2013-06-27T16:28:51.287 回答