给定 [0, 2^64) 范围内的均匀分布的随机数生成器,是否有任何有效的方法(在 GPU 上)为某些 k < 2^64 的范围 [0,k) 构建随机数生成器?


// not uniformly distributed in [0, k)
myRand(rng, k) = rng() % k;

// way too much branching to run efficiently on a gpu
myRand(rng, k) =
    uint64_t ret;
    while((ret = rng() & (nextPow2(k)-1)) >= k);
    return ret;

// only 53 bits of random data, not 64. Also I
// have no idea how to reason about how "uniform"
// this distribution is.
myRand(doubleRng, k) =
    double r = doubleRng(); // generates a random number in [0, 1)
    return (uint64_t)floor(r*k);

如果差异足够小(例如,在 1/2^64 内),我愿意妥协不均匀性。


2 回答 2



如果您的k通常非常小(例如,您正在洗牌,因此k大约为 100),那么非均匀性非常小,即使是 32 位也可能没问题。在 64 位上,数百万级的k仍然会给您带来非常小的不均匀性。不,它不会是 1/2^64 的数量级,但我无法想象在实际应用中 1/2^20 数量级的不均匀性是显而易见的。当我为我的 RNG 库编写测试套件时,我故意针对一个已知的错误mod实现运行它,即使是 32 位,它也很难检测到错误。


mask = k - 1;
mask |= mask >> 1;
mask |= mask >> 2;
mask |= mask >> 4;
mask |= mask >> 8;
mask |= mask >> 16;
mask |= mask >> 32;
于 2013-06-17T18:40:54.620 回答

If you have a function that returns 53 bits of random data, but you need 64, call it twice, use the bottom 32 bits of the first call for the top 32 bits of your result, and the bottom 32 bits of the second call for the bottom 32 bits of your result. If your original function was uniform, this one is too.

于 2013-06-24T20:23:17.543 回答