我确信我可以根据我过去在 PHP 中实现的代码来解决这个问题,但我希望有人已经做到了这一点并且可以提供一个示例或知道使用 iOS SDK 完成的方法它。
CLGeocoder *geocoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc] init];
CLLocationDistance dist = _searchDistance;
CLLocationCoordinate2D point = self.locationManager.location.coordinate;
CLRegion *region = [[CLRegion alloc] initCircularRegionWithCenter:point radius:dist identifier:@"Hint Region"];
[geocoder geocodeAddressString:address inRegion:region completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error)
if( error )
// Push errors to the user
NSLog( [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Got results: %@", placemarks] );
"300 Oak St, Phoenix, OR 97535-5722, United States @ <+42.26953820,-122.81554259> +/- 100.00m, region (identifier <+42.26953820,-122.81554106> radius 27.00) <+42.26953820,-122.81554106> radius 27.00m",
"300 Oak St, Ashland, OR 97520, United States @ <+42.19955633,-122.71289484> +/- 100.00m, region (identifier <+42.19955633,-122.71289484> radius 138.42) <+42.19955633,-122.71289484> radius 138.42m",
"300 Oak St, Jacksonville, OR 97530, United States @ <+42.31236366,-122.97179130> +/- 100.00m, region (identifier <+42.31236366,-122.97179130> radius 138.33) <+42.31236366,-122.97179130> radius 138.33m",
"300 Oak St, Central Point, OR 97502, United States @ <+42.37422514,-122.91427182> +/- 100.00m, region (identifier <+42.37422514,-122.91427182> radius 138.29) <+42.37422514,-122.91427182> radius 138.29m",
"300 Oak St, Rogue River, OR 97537, United States @ <+42.43621216,-123.16864522> +/- 100.00m, region (identifier <+42.43621216,-123.16864522> radius 138.24) <+42.43621216,-123.16864522> radius 138.24m"
@Akash gave me the bit of information I was seeking, so I marked that answer as the correct one. If anyone is interested in sorting the results (rather than just getting the closest location), I put the unsorted results into an NSDictionary
using the distance as a key, then used compare
to sort the keys and then put the original placemark
array elements into an output array ordered by the key to which they were associated in the NSDictionary
. Here's the complete code (and the complete answer to my question):
-(NSMutableArray *)distanceSortPlacemarks:(NSArray *)inputArray fromLocation:(CLLocation *)originLocation
NSMutableArray *returnValue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[inputArray count]];
NSMutableDictionary *sortDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:[inputArray count]];
for( int i = 0; i < [inputArray count]; i++ )
CLPlacemark *currentPlacemark = [inputArray objectAtIndex:i];
forKey:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[currentPlacemark.location distanceFromLocation:originLocation]]
NSArray *sortedKeys = [[sortDictionary allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];
for( int i = 0; i < [sortedKeys count]; i++ )
CLPlacemark *currentPlacemark = [sortDictionary objectForKey:[sortedKeys objectAtIndex:i]];
[returnValue insertObject:currentPlacemark atIndex:i];
return returnValue;
I know this could be a little tighter (some of the variables aren't absolutely necessary), but I tend to err on the side of making code easier to understand at quick glance.