我正在编写一个系统来向客户发送批量电子邮件,并且对于每个站点,我们都会存储电子邮件的 HTML 和文本版本,这样如果用户的邮件客户端不支持 HTML,那么文本视图的格式仍然正确且符合我们的要求。
我们不想只从 HTML 版本生成纯文本版本,因为它添加了许多菜单链接和其他未按我们想要的格式设置的文本。
这在带有 Persits 电子邮件组件 = http://www.aspemail.com/的 ASP 经典中运行良好, 因为我们将 HTML 字符串添加为正文,将文本字符串添加为 AltBody。
但是我无法在 C# .NET 4.5 中复制它
我已经遵循了尽可能多的示例,但是我的方法返回 MailMessage 对象,该对象需要传递 HTML 以查找图像/横幅,然后用 ContentIDs 和 LinkedResources 替换 URLS 以某种方式返回在 HTML 和简单 HTML 视图中看起来很棒的电子邮件(在雷鸟中)。
然而,无论我做什么,纯文本视图似乎总是对象试图转换为文本的 HTML 版本,而不是我们预先格式化并想要使用的文本字符串。
在我解析 HTML、添加链接资源并返回 MailMessage 对象的方法中,我有以下代码:
/* I pass in a custom SiteEmail object with 2 properties HTMLEmail and TextEmail that hold both versions of the email */
public MailMessage ParseEmailImages(SiteEmail siteEmail)
MailMessage email = new MailMessage();
// extract the HTML version as we need to parse it to swap URLs for ContentID/Resources and paths etc
string HTML = siteEmail.HTMLEmail;
// this is a generic list to hold all my picture resource objects that I find (swapping image URLs to paths and contentIDs)
List<LinkedResource> pictureResources = new List<LinkedResource>();
// code to find all the paths, create image resource objects and add them to my list - and modify the HTML to reference
// the new ContentIDs I swap the URLs for so the images are embedded in the email
// ..... code .....
// finished finding resource objects build email parts and return to caller
// Add each alternate view to the message.
// add the HTML view using my newly parsed HTML string
ContentType HtmlContentType = new ContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
AlternateView altViewHTML = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(HTML, HtmlContentType);
altViewHTML.TransferEncoding = TransferEncoding.QuotedPrintable;
// when I check here the siteEmail.TextEmail holds the CORRECT textual string I want BUT it's not displaying in the sent email
ContentType PlainContentType = new ContentType("text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
// as we didn't need to change anything in the text view we can just reference it straight out my custom email object siteEmail
AlternateView altViewText = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(siteEmail.TextEmail, PlainContentType);
altViewText.TransferEncoding = TransferEncoding.QuotedPrintable;
// loop through all my picture resource objects and ensure they are embedded into the HTML email
foreach (LinkedResource pictureResource in pictureResources)
pictureResource.TransferEncoding = TransferEncoding.Base64;
// add both parts of the email (text/html) which are both alternative views to message
// return email object
return email;
// a very cut down example of the calling method
public bool SendEmail()
// parse our email object
MailMessage EmailMailMessage = this.ParseEmailImages(this.SiteEmail);
// send email
EmailMailMessage.From = new MailAddress(this.SendFromEmail, this.SendFromName);
EmailMailMessage.Subject = this.SendSubject;
// ensure encoding is correct for Arabic/Japanese sites and body transfer method is correct
EmailMailMessage.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
EmailMailMessage.BodyTransferEncoding = TransferEncoding.QuotedPrintable;
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
// this in a try catch and more complex
我已经尝试过使用编码格式,只是添加一个替代视图等等,但似乎无法让它发送与我的旧 ASP Classic 代码相同的电子邮件,例如具有 2 个边界的多部分电子邮件,1 个用于文本版本 WE WANT TO USE 和 HTML 版本之一。它似乎总是从我不想发生的 HTML 版本创建它自己的纯文本版本。