How do I get the source for a specifik stable release of servicestack from Github? I'm trying to download and build the source for version but I am having two sorts of problems.

1) There are no labels for the main service stack project so I can't figure out at what commit the was built from.

2) Since Service Stack main project depends on ServiceStack.Text I also need to know against what version of ServiceStack.Text the ServiceStack was built against.

If anyone wonders. The reason I ask this is because the later ServiceStack releases are not all backward compatible and a project I recently took over is throwing exceptions down in the ServiceStack.Text. And the version of ServiceStack.Text seems important since the version of ServiceStack and ServiceStack.Text I downloade, collided on build on extension.

The state I am at is that I got souce for what seems to be 3.9.4 and I managed to get hold of a nuget packet of ServiceStack.Text with version that I could compile against (no source) and this actuallt killed of the trubbeling exception in ServiceStack.Text so that problem seems at least temporarely solved. At the next issue I'll probably be stuck again so I'd really like the source. (It is the point with open source after all right?)

Best regards, Nick


1 回答 1


尽管 ServiceStack 不支持旧版本,但您可以返回查看ServiceStack 提交日志,直到看到一条显示INCR to v3.9.x的消息。


由于 ServiceStack 使用来自不同子项目的组件,因此您也需要对ServiceStack.TextServiceStack.OrmLiteServiceStack.Redis执行相同的操作。

ServiceStack 与其他组件保持相同的版本同步,因此 ServiceStack 的 v3.9.4 使用 ServiceStack.Text 的 v3.9.4 等。

于 2013-06-17T16:29:52.283 回答