I am using new relic standard to prevent my heroku app from idling. It seems that it pings every minute or so. Will this slow my app in any significant way. Is there a way to make the pings occur less frequently? Is it significantly better to seek out an alternative like heroku scheduler? Thank you.


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New Relic Availability 监视器将尝试从 4 个不同的站点大约每 2 分钟一次与您指定的 URL 联系一次。这将平均每分钟大约两次。pinger 在可能的情况下使用 HEAD 请求,否则使用 GET 请求,因此对于具有任何可观负载的站点,不应该有显着影响。


于 2013-06-17T23:12:40.243 回答