I wrote many Symfony 2.2 bundles. At the begening, they were in the src/ directory. For a new project, I moved them to the vendor directory.
They need to be configured by using config.yml setting file. The Dependency Injection Configuration file of the main bundle validates de config.yml structure but does not load the settings: it loads the default configuration…</p>
vendor/myFirm/src/Trinity/Bundle/ContentManagerBundle/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php https://wall.deblan.org/x1805/php/1/configuration-php
vendor/myFirm/src/Trinity/Bundle/ContentManagerBundle/DependencyInjection/TrinityContentManagerExtension.php https://wall.deblan.org/x1806/php/1/TrinityContentManagerExtension-php
app/config/config.yml wall.deblan.org/x1808/yaml/0/
When I put a var_dump($config) TrinityContentManagerExtension.php, I just have the default values set in Configuration.php.
Could you help me please?
PS: I don't have the same problem with the others.