我正在创建一个带有多语言旁白的多语言 Flash 游戏。到目前为止,我已经有了一种带有音频流和歌词的语言,可以在它自己的时间线上伴随它,由主时间线上的按钮控制以暂停和播放。我想为这个场景中的每种语言添加另外 2 种带有音频和自己的歌词(卡拉 OK 风格)的语言。最终在主时间线上有按钮可以切换语言(音频和歌词)并从最后一种语言停止的地方无缝地继续。到现在为止,我从主时间线控制音频和歌词的这个动作。englyr 是影片剪辑,其中包含音频和歌词。

toggleButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleClick3);
toggleButton.buttonState = "off";

function toggleClick3(event:MouseEvent) {
    if (toggleButton.buttonState == "on") {
        toggleButton.buttonState = "off";
    } else {
        toggleButton.buttonState = "on";

我假设我应该将其他 2 种语言及其歌词放在 englyr 中,以便我可以禁用/静音不需要听到或看到的语言。一个问题是我无法将歌词和旁白(2 层)组合在一起作为该时间轴中的影片剪辑。因此不能禁用不应该听到或看到的其他 2 种语言。有什么解决办法吗?


1 回答 1


让它们都从代码而不是通过时间线播放可能更容易。首先要做的是转到库中音频剪辑的设置,启用“Export for Actionscript”并为两个剪辑设置不同的类名。我将我的命名为“英语”和“法语”。当您按下当前未播放的语言的按钮时,以下代码管理两种声音并更改语言。

var englishClip:Sound = new english(); //load both sounds.
var frenchClip:Sound = new french();

//create the sound and the sound channel.
var myChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var mySound:Sound = englishClip;

//if you want to have lots of different languages it might be easier to just have different buttons instead of one with a state.
englishButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, SpeakEnglish);
frenchButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, SpeakFrench);

//we'll start with having just the english sound playing.
myChannel = mySound.play();

function SpeakEnglish(event:MouseEvent) {
    if (mySound != englishClip) { //if the english sound is already playing, do nothing.
        var currentPlayPosition:Number = myChannel.position; //save playback position.
        myChannel.stop(); //stop playing
        mySound = englishClip.play(currentPlayPosition); //resume playing from saved position.

function SpeakFrench(event:MouseEvent) {
    if (mySound != frenchClip) { //if the French sound is already playing, do nothing.
        var currentPlayPosition:Number = myChannel.position; //save playback position.
        myChannel.stop(); //stop playing
        mySound = frenchClip.play(currentPlayPosition); //resume playing from saved position.


function SpeakEnglish(event:MouseEvent) {

function SpeakFrench(event:MouseEvent) {

function ChangeSound(newSound:Sound){
    if (mySound != newSound) { //if the sound is already playing, do nothing.
        var currentPlayPosition:Number = myChannel.position; //save playback position.
        myChannel.stop(); //stop playing
        mySound = newSound.play(currentPlayPosition); //resume playing from saved 


资源:http ://www.republicofcode.com/tutorials/flash/as3sound/

于 2013-06-17T10:45:10.027 回答