I have String like "12 345 678" and I wanted to remove whitespaces (because of conversion to int). So I did the usual: myString.replaceAll("\\s", "");
, but what a surprise! It did nothing, the space was still there.
When I investigated further, I figured out that this space character is of type Character.SPACE_SEPARATOR (Character.getType(myString.charAt(<positionOfSpaceChar>))
What I don't get is why isn't this oblivious space character (from Unicode category Zs
http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/category/Zs/list.htm) recognized as whitespace (not even with Character.isWhitespace(char)
Reading through java api isn't helpful (so far).
note: In the end, I just want to remove that character... and I will probably find a way how to do it, but I'm really interested in some explanation of why it's behaving like this. Thanks