I have been looking all over for the answer and think I am missing something simple. I have a kendo grid where I want one of the columns to be a link to another page with the id as a route parameter. However, the value in the column cells are the bound values and are unchanged by my template. Any insights to this will be appreciated.

.Columns(columns =>
    columns.Bound(a => a.ProviderName);
    columns.Bound(a => a.HasAccess);
    columns.Bound(a => a.ProviderId).ClientTemplate("#= toggleLink(data) #");

function toggleLink(access) {
    var action = '@Url.Action("Toggle", "Access")';

    var html = kendo.format("<a href='{0}/{1}'>Toggle...</a>",

    return html;

2 回答 2


当 Kendo Grid 像您的代码一样绑定到服务器端的数据源时,ClientTemplate 不使用。


 columns.Template(p => "<a href='..../Toggle/Access/" + p.ProviderId + "'>Click</a>");
于 2013-09-25T20:55:47.850 回答

dataSource.Server() 将让您使用 custom.template

dataSource.Ajax() 将让您使用 ClientTemplate

弄清楚这一点真的很令人沮丧......它们是不可互换的,其中一个将根据 ajax 或服务器工作

              <%: Html.Kendo().Grid((List<RadCarePlus.V2.Web.Models.GetMeSomeData>) ViewData["Mydata"])
                .Columns(columns =>
                    columns.Template(c => "<a href='ImplementationDetails?EpisodeID=" + c.EpisodeID + "'>" + c.EpisodeID + "</a>").Title("Testing").Width(140);
                    //columns.Bound(c => c.EpisodeID).Width(140);
                    columns.Bound(c => c.AuthStatus).Width(190);
                    columns.Bound(c => c.CPTCode).Width(100);
                    columns.Bound(c => c.inscarrier).Width(110);
                    columns.Bound(c => c.CreatedOn).Width(160);
                    //columns.Template(c => "<a href='ImplementationDetails?EpisodeID=" + c.EpisodeID + "'>" + c.EpisodeID + "</a>");
                    //columns.Template(c => c.EpisodeID).Title("Testing").ClientTemplate("<a href='ImplementationDetails?EpisodeID=#= EpisodeID#'>#= EpisodeID #</a>");
                .Pageable(pageable=> pageable.ButtonCount(5))
                .Sortable(sortable => sortable.AllowUnsort(false))
                .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Server().PageSize(5)

于 2016-02-22T20:14:58.373 回答