我有一个像这样的 AMD 模块:

define ['backbone', 'jquery', 'someObj'], (Backbone, $, someObj) ->

  class MyModel extends Backbone.Model
    # some options

  foo = new MyModel
  bar = new MyModel

  foo.fetch().done ->
    # Here I want to do things with foo and bar now that the fetch is complete
    # but they are not visible
    # Backbone, $, someObj, and MyModel are all visible, however

为什么我可以访问对象 like someObj,但不能访问fooor bar?另外,这不是模拟同步代码的正确方法吗?运行只能在承诺解决后才能运行的代码?本质上,我想:

  1. 实例化foobar
  2. 从服务器获取foo和/或bar
  3. 做所有需要等待获取foo的事情bar

似乎 done 可以包含通用的操作(例如console.log "Done")或仅访问从承诺传递给它的参数。我想我需要使用不同的闭包结构或其他东西,但我只是对如何做我想做的事一无所知。(我不确定这是否只是我正在经历的事情,因为我在 AMD 模块中,所以我也用 RequireJS 标记它)。


1 回答 1


将其粘贴到http://coffeescript.org/的Try Coffeescript REPL ...

define ['backbone', 'jquery', 'someObj'], (Backbone, $, someObj) ->

  class MyModel extends Backbone.Model
    # some options

  foo = new MyModel
  bar = new MyModel

  foo.fetch().done ->
    # Here I want to do things with foo and bar now that the fetch is complete
    # but they are not visible
    # Backbone, $, someObj, and MyModel are all visible, however
    console.log foo, bar


/*snip boilerplate*/
define(['backbone', 'jquery', 'someObj'], function(Backbone, $, someObj) {
  var MyModel, bar, foo, _ref;
  MyModel = (function(_super) {
    __extends(MyModel, _super);

    function MyModel() {
      _ref = MyModel.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
      return _ref;

    return MyModel;

  foo = new MyModel;
  bar = new MyModel;
  return foo.fetch().done(function() {
    return console.log(foo, bar);

看来您的闭包应该可以访问fooand bar。因此,我不确定您遇到的问题是否与done回调中的变量访问不同。


于 2013-06-18T10:44:03.833 回答