我试图弄清楚restful apis在php中是如何工作的。代码如何获取例如从 javascript 浏览器插件(我正在处理的内容)传递的信息。是通过GET还是POST?有人可以提供一个例子吗?
3736 次
2 回答
看看 Slims 主页上的例子:
$app->get('/hello/:name', function ($name) {
echo "Hello, $name";
如果你在做 POST:
$app->post('/hello/:name', function ($name) {
echo "Hello, $name";
您未映射到 URL 的任何参数仍然可以在$_GET
于 2013-06-16T21:51:29.040 回答
require 'vendor/autoload.php';//attaching the file.
$app = new\Slim\Slim();//creating a instance of slim.
/*get routes without parameter*/
$app->get('/', function () {
echo "<center><b>Welcome To SLIM FrameWork-2</b></center><br>";
/*get routes with parameter*/
$app->get('/first/:id', function ($id) {
echo "hello get route this is my $id program in slim";
/*post routes*/
$app->post('/first', function () {
echo "hello post route";
//look in post we can't pass parameter through the URL bcz post can't take value from URL for give parameter use rest client app in chrome but this the resourse identifier will be same as above "/first" don't use "first/:id" bcz this is wrong way to pass parameter.
$app->run(); // run
//now give the url like http://localhost/slim/index.php/ <-this is for get without parameter.
//http://localhost/slim/index.php/first/3 <-this is for get with parameter.
//http://localhost/slim/index.php/first <-this is for post routes.
于 2016-04-22T06:57:32.497 回答