我正在尝试为即将到来的项目在 Clojure 和 CL 之间做出决定。为了弄湿我的脚,我玩弄了一些简单的 GUI 东西。

这是我在 CL / Ltk 中的内容:

(ql:quickload "ltk")

(defpackage :myed
  (:use :ltk :cl))
(in-package :myed)

(defun ed-label (fr)
  (make-instance 'label :master fr :font "Sans-Serif" :text "Editor"))

(defparameter *text-field*
  (make-instance 'text
         :font "monospaced" :takefocus :t))

(defparameter *a-tale*
  "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light")

(defun make-frame ()
  (with-ltk ()
    (let* ((f (make-instance 'frame))
       (scroll (make-instance 'scrolled-text :master f))
       (outtext (textbox scroll)))
      (pack f)
      (configure outtext :font "monospaced" :background "#aea79f" :wrap :word)
      (pack (ed-label f) :anchor :nw :side :top)
      (pack scroll :anchor :nw :expand t :fill :both)
      (pack *text-field* :anchor :sw :fill :x :ipady 10)
      (setf (text outtext) *a-tale*)
      (bind *text-field* "<KeyPress-Return>"
        (lambda (event) (format-output outtext)))
      (configure f :borderwidth 2))))

(defun format-output (target)
  "Print inputstring with newlines and > ."
  (append-text target (format nil "~%~%> ~A~%~%" (text *text-field*)))
  (clear-text *text-field*))

两个文本字段,当我在底部窗口中输入文本并按 Enter 键时,会添加换行符和“>”,并将文本附加到顶部文本字段中。

在 Clojure 我试过跷跷板和这个:

(ns myedclj.core
  (:use [seesaw core keymap])
  (:require [seesaw.bind :as bind]))

(def outtext
    ( text
    :multi-line? true :wrap-lines? true  :editable? false))

(def ed-label (label :text "Editor"))

(def intext
  (text :multi-line? false :editable? true))

(def a-tale
  "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light")

(defn format-output
  (.append target (str "\n\n" "> " (text intext))))

(map-key intext "ENTER" (fn [_] (format-output outtext)))

(text! outtext a-tale)

(defn make-frame []
  (frame :content (vertical-panel
                   :border 2
                   :items [ed-label
                           (scrollable outtext)

(defn -main [& args]
  (-> (make-frame)

不幸的是,这不起作用。windowcontents 的尺寸与我想要的相反,我看不到任何滚动条。顺便说一句,我的 Swing 知识不存在。



1 回答 1


(更新为更接近 CL 版本。请参阅修订历史以了解具有 90/10 拆分和可拖动分隔符的版本。)


大小也可以配置为(config! in-text :size [400 :by 20]),类似地配置为out-scrollable

(ns myedclj.core
  (:require [seesaw.core :refer :all]
            [seesaw.keymap :refer :all]
            [seesaw.bind :as bind]))

(def in-text
  (text :editable? true :multi-line? false
        :size [400 :by 20]))

(def out-text
  (text :editable? false :multi-line? true :wrap-lines? true))

(def out-scrollable
  (scrollable out-text
              :size [400 :by 180]))

(def a-tale
  "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light")

(defn format-output! [source target]
  (value! target (str (value target) "\n\n> " (value source)))
  (value! source ""))

(defn attach-listeners! []
  (map-key in-text "ENTER"
           (fn [_] (format-output! in-text out-text))
           :scope :self))

(defn make-frame []
   :title    "Seesaw example"
   :content  (vertical-panel
              :border 2
              :items  [out-scrollable
   :on-close :exit))

(defn -main [& args]
  (value! out-text a-tale)
  (let [f (make-frame)]
    (pack! f)
    (show! f)))
于 2013-06-16T12:03:00.123 回答