我有一个 WinForms 应用程序,它每秒增加一次计时器并更新标签的文本。第二个计时器每 20 毫秒递增一次,以查找最近的鼠标移动并将当前坐标写入另一个标签。
当程序收到 Alt+F4 时,我实例化“MessageBoxQueryClose”,要求用户关闭或恢复操作。在显示 MessageBox 之前,我想停止每秒一次的计时器触发,并且在用户说“请继续”之后重新启用它。
这是我观察到一些“奇怪”行为的地方:当 MessageBox 打开并且鼠标移动时,每秒一次的计时器再次触发。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Globalization;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private bool _altF4Pressed = false;
private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Alt && e.KeyCode == Keys.F4)
_altF4Pressed = true;
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
// show the MessageBox asking the user if the programm should really exit
MessageBoxQueryClose msgBoxQC = new MessageBoxQueryClose();
msgBoxQC.QueryClose(ref _altF4Pressed, ref timer2, ref e);
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
timer1.Interval = 20;
timer1.Enabled = true;
timer2.Interval = 1000;
timer2.Enabled = true;
bool toggle = false;
private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (toggle)
label1.Text = "tick";
label1.Text = "tack";
toggle = !toggle;
Point oldPos, newPos;
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
newPos = Cursor.Position;
label2.Text = Convert.ToString(newPos.X + ", " + newPos.Y);
oldPos = newPos;
private void CompareCursorPosition()
if (oldPos != newPos)
private void Display_ResetFallback()
MessageBoxQueryClose 的代码:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
class MessageBoxQueryClose
public void QueryClose(ref bool _altF4Pressed, ref Timer timer, ref FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (_altF4Pressed)
// first, disable timer2 to stop Form1.label1 from being updated
timer.Enabled = false;
if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing)
DialogResult res;
res = MessageBox.Show("Close program ?", "timers",
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
if (res == DialogResult.Yes)
// if program execution shall continue, re-enable timer2
timer.Enabled = true;
e.Cancel = true;
_altF4Pressed = false;
我直觉我的问题是关于计时器和线程,但我最近才开始使用 .Net,所以任何见解都值得赞赏。