我想用脚本创建一组按钮。这包括设置大小和位置以及分配 mouseUp 处理程序。
mouseUp 处理程序应该是
on mouseUp
go to card "aName"
end mouseUp
名称列表位于文本变量 tCardNames 中。每行都有一个卡名。
on createButtons
repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines of tCardNames
put line i of field "cardNames" into tName
createNamedButton i, tName
end repeat
end createButtons
on createNamedButton n, aName
create button
set the label of it to aName
put "on mouseUp" & return into s
put "go to cd " & quote & aName & quote& return after s
put "end mouseUp" after s
set the script of it to s
put (10 + 30 * (n -1)) into tDistanceFromTop
set the top of it to tDistanceFromTop
end createNamedButton
on mouseUp
go cd (the label of the target)
end mouseUp
set the behavior of it to the long ID of button "goCardBehavior"
这是一种略有不同的方法。对于长列表,对于长列表的repeat比repeat with更有效,但在这种情况下,可能没有明显的区别。
on createButtons
repeat for each line tBtnName in tCardNames
createNamedButton tBtnName
end repeat
end createButtons
on createNamedButton pName
create button pName
set the script of btn pName to "on mouseUp" & cr & \
"go cd " & quote & pName & quote & cr & \
"end mouseUp"
put the number of btn pName into tNum
set the top of btn pName to (10 * 30 * (tNum - 1))
end createNamedButton