I am working with asp.net and I want to install DotNetnuke (I really need to install it). I have installed it on another computer in the company where I am doign my internship there. But I can't install it on my laptop :@.

First of all I have installed IIS (7.5 didn't worked, after that 8.0) and went through the steps in the 4 part video on how to install dotnetnuke (here is the first part: First Part)

After I did all that, I went to start the isntallation by typing www.dnndev.me on the browser... and I got the error http 500.19 error.... I fixed it by checking some options in the Turn Widnows features on or of (at Programs and Features in Control Panel). After that I got the error http 500.21 .... I also fixed this by executing aspnet_regiis.exe.

And after executing that .exe file, when I typed www.dnndev.me, all errors where gone... but the Browser couldn't find www.dnndev.me !! I tried it on Chrome, Mozilla and IE... but non of them worken :(..

What's the problem? I removed all the errors, I did all the things in the videos.... why not working on my laptop?


1 回答 1


您是否为 DNNDEV.ME 和 WWW.DNNDEV.ME 添加了到 IIS 的绑定?该视频指示您使用与 WWW.DNNDEV.ME 不同的 DNNDEV.ME,因此如果您想访问它,您需要添加 WWW 的绑定。

右键单击 IIS 中的网站,选择 Edit Bindings 并在那里添加新的。

于 2013-06-15T03:00:40.883 回答