I am being asked to use Jenkins to test code coverage for a Java Project. The issue is I have never used Jenkins and have scarcely little experience with actual code coverage. I have been searching a bit and I have come across JaCoCo and Cobertura as plugs. The issue is everything talking about them is above my head at this point. My question is this, as I understand it Jenkins and JaCoCo/Cobertura are used to run tests(Junit?), and report on how well the handle my code, but where do they get the test? Obviously I should make them, but what kind of files are these(again Junit?) and how do the tools get them?

If you are feeling generous, are there any good introduction level tutorials for these tools?


1 回答 1



  • 愿你的项目是maven项目
  • 使用 Jenkins(你已经这样做了)
  • 使用声纳


有很多关于如何使用 Jenkins+Sonar 的教程,所以我想你不会有太多麻烦。声纳是非常强大的工具,是迄今为止我见过的最好的工具之一。并且有一个 Jenkins 插件(但可以通过maven 项目的pom.xml文件中的某些配置文件来避免)。

于 2013-06-15T01:31:59.220 回答