我有一个 Glassfish 3.1.2 集群。我有 2 个 ssh 节点,每个节点都有 1 个实例。我在 DASdomains/mydomain/config/mycluster-config/lib/目录中添加了我的 lib jar。当我重新启动我的实例时,我看到 jars 被复制到 nodes/node1/instance1/config/mycluster-config/lib/目录和 nodes/node2/instance2/config/mycluster-config/lib/目录中的每个节点。

我的应用程序是带有 Richfaces 4.3 的 JSF 2.2 应用程序

问题是当我部署我的应用程序时,应用程序无法从我的库中找到任何 jar。一个问题是:如何设置节点的类路径?我已经尝试过: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/path/to/node1/instance1/config/prodc-config/lib" 在另一个节点上的命令相同。这并没有使我的应用程序能够找到库。

如果我将 EAR 部署到独立域而不是集群,那么它将在没有任何错误的情况下部署。

当我从 Web 管理控制台部署我的应用程序时,我会检查是否启用了可用性并确保目标指向 mycluster。


WELD-000119 Not generating any bean definitions from com.my.domain.Validate because of underlying class loading error

Application was not properly initialized at startup, could not find Factory: javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory. Attempting to find backup.


部署我的 EAR 时的完整消息是:

Warning Command succeeded with Warning
"domain/applications/application/my_EAR" created successfully.
WARNING: Command _deploy did not complete successfully on server instance instance1: remote failure:
Failed to load the application on instance instance1.
The application will not run properly. Please fix your application and redeploy.
Exception while shutting down application container : java.lang.NullPointerException. Please see server.log for more details.
WARNING: Command _deploy did not complete successfully on server instance instance2: remote failure:
Failed to load the application on instance instance2. The application will not run properly. Please fix your application and redeploy.
Exception while shutting down application container : java.lang.NullPointerException. Please see server.log for more details.
WARNING: Command _deploy did not complete successfully on server instance instance1: remote failure:
Failed to load the application on instance instance1. The .... msg.seeServerLog



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对于 GlassFish v3.1.2,我一直在使用此链接: http ://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18930_01/html/821-2426/gkrdd.html#gksav

部署应用程序时,我必须在部署期间指定库。这些库是相对于 applibs 目录的。因此,对于集群,路径将是:




于 2013-06-16T02:33:23.907 回答