Source : Microsoft Interview Question

Given a sorted array, in which every element is present twice except one which is present single time, we need to find that element.

Now a standard O(n) solution is to do a XOR of list, which will return the unduplicated element (since all duplicated elements cancel out.)

Is it possible to solve this more quickly if we know the array is sorted?


3 回答 3


O(log n)是的,您可以通过进行二分搜索来使用排序性来降低复杂性。

由于数组已排序,因此在缺少元素之前,每个值都占据了点2*k2*k+1数组中(假设从 0 开始索引)。

因此,您转到数组的中间,例如 index h,并检查索引h+1是否h为偶数或奇数。如果缺少的元素在后面出现,则这些位置的值相等,如果在前面出现,则值不同。重复直到找到丢失的元素。h-1h

于 2013-06-14T21:21:38.163 回答

对数组进行二进制“搜索”(相当遍历),检查两个邻居,如果两者都与中间的值不同,那么您就有了解决方案。这是O(log n).

于 2013-06-14T21:22:31.717 回答


元素总数 9,单个元素总是出现在偶数索引处

元素总数 9,单个元素总是出现在偶数索引处。当 时(end_index - start_index) % 4 == 0,单个元素出现在中间。

if A[mid-1] == A[mid] --> single element left side
if A[mid] == A[mid+1] --> single element right side

元素总数 11

元素总数 11,单个元素总是出现在偶数索引处。当 时(end_index - start_index) % 4 != 0,单个元素不在中间出现。

if A[mid] == A[mid+1] --> single element left
if A[mid-1] == A[mid] --> single element right


元素总数 13,单个元素总是出现在偶数索引处。当 时(end_index - start_index) % 4 == 0,单元素也出现在中间。

if A[mid-1] == A[mid] --> single element left side
if A[mid] == A[mid+1] --> single element right side

下面是 Python 代码:

class Solution:
    def singleNonDuplicate(self, A):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        L = len(A)

        def binarySearch(A, start, end):
            if start == end:
                return A[start]

            if start < end:

                mid = int(start + (end - start)/2)

                if A[mid-1] < A[mid] < A[mid+1]:
                    return A[mid]
                if end - start == 2:
                    if A[end] != A[end-1]:
                        return A[end]
                if end - start == 2:
                    if A[start] != A[start+1]:
                        return A[start]
                if A[mid] == A[mid+1]:
                    if int(end-start)%4 == 0:
                        return binarySearch(A, mid+2, end)
                        return binarySearch(A, start, mid-1)

                elif A[mid-1] == A[mid]:
                    if int(end - start)%4 == 0:
                        return binarySearch(A, start, mid-2)
                        return binarySearch(A, mid+1, end)

        return binarySearch(A, 0, L-1)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    s = Solution()
    A = [1,1,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6]
    r = s.singleNonDuplicate(A)
于 2019-03-29T05:54:04.403 回答