所以我正在制作一个尝试使用 OOP 的游戏,但 Visual Studio 并不高兴我使用 VC++ 2010 express 作为我的 IDE,我决定将 SDL“对象化”为可重用组件,但现在我从 0 个错误变为 122 个错误,其中一些真的不是错误,比如当它说窗口未定义并且我点击转到错误时错误消失了......所以我遇到了一些麻烦
WindowSate is a component to a window class, a windowstate is a seperate
frame of a window, it could be a menu or a level or something
a windowstate handles its events through a window and draws via graphics buffer to
the window's surface it will hold the components of the window(graphics, GUI components, etc.)
and the window will hold it
class WindowState {
WindowState(Window* window)
virtual void load() = 0;
virtual void update( SDL_Event* e) = 0;
virtual void logic() = 0;
virtual void render(Graphics g) = 0;
virtual void unload() = 0;
Window* m_window;
它告诉我窗口在 window.h 中定义时是未定义的,这里包含的是 window.h:
/*The window class is the interface to the user,
it displays everything and is the top layer of the interactive application
it recieves events and passes them down the chain to states and components
it holds states and enumerates through them
class Window {
//width and height of the window
int m_width, m_height;
//graphics handler of the window
Graphics m_g;
//window surface
SDL_Surface* m_surface;
//event to hold all events
SDL_Event m_events;
//current and qeued states
int m_current_state;
int m_queued_state;
//Current WindowState
WindowState* m_window_state;
//is the window open?
bool m_running;
//title of the window
std::string m_title;
//vector to hold all the window states
std::vector<WindowState*> m_states;
//Basic constructor
Window(int width, int height);
//constructor with title
Window(int width, int height, std::string title);
//returns the windows events
virtual SDL_Event& get_events() { return m_events; }
SDL_Surface* surface() { return m_surface; }
bool is_running() { return m_running; }
virtual void run(); //starts the window
virtual void update(); //updates the events
virtual void update_state(); //checks for a change in state
virtual void draw(); //draws current state
virtual void close(); // closes the window
void queue_window_state(int state); //sets up a window state to be activated
void add_state(WindowState* state); //adds a state to the window
void set_caption(std::string caption);