我正在尝试这个网格实验。这就是问题所在,我们试图让底部的盒子填充大约 90% 或更好。将来,我可能也会对其他人做同样的事情。


例如,底部框将比第二行大,并且希望它约为 100%。



<!doctype html>

 <meta charset="UTF-8">
 <title>Untitled Document</title>

  <link href="wxsite.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
  <style type="text/css">



  <div id="wrap">

 <div class="grid" > 
  <div class="row"> 
 <div class="image"> 
 <img src="images/photo1.jpg" alt="A Lily" /> 
 <p>A lily in the gardens of The Vyne Country House</p> 

 <div class="row"> 
 <div class="image"> 
 <img src="images/photo2.jpg" alt="A crazy looking Allium flower" />
 <p>A crazy looking flower</p>
 <div class="image">
 <img src="images/photo4.jpg" alt="A Robin sitting on a fence" />
 This robin has been visiting our garden over the summer. 
 He is very friendly and doesn't seem to be too worried about sharing the garden  
 with us.

 This robin has been visiting our garden over the summer. 
 He is very friendly and doesn't seem to be too worried about sharing the garden with 

 <div class="image">

 <img src="images/photo4.jpg" alt="A Robin sitting on a fence" />
 This robin has been visiting our garden over the summer. 
 He is very friendly and doesn't seem to be too worried about sharing the garden   
 with us. 

 This robin has been visiting our garden over the summer. 
 He is very friendly and doesn't seem to be too worried about sharing the garden 
 with us.


 <div  class="image">
 <img src="images/photo4.jpg" alt="A Robin sitting on a fence" />
 This robin has been visiting our garden over the summer. 
 He is very friendly and doesn't seem to be too worried about sharing the garden 
 with us.
 This robin has been visiting our garden over the summer. 
 He is very friendly and doesn't seem to be too worried about sharing the garden with


 <div class="image" >
 <img src="images/photo4.jpg" alt="A Robin sitting on a fence" / >
 This robin has been visiting our garden over the summer. 
 He is very friendly and doesn't seem to be too worried about sharing the garden 
 with us.

 This robin has been visiting our garden over the summer. 
 He is very friendly and doesn't seem to be too worried about sharing the garden 
 with us.



现在对于 CSS 部分:

 /*html layout*/    
 html {
 color:#000; } 
 #wrap {
 margin:0 auto; 

 /*main body*/
 #main {
 float: right;
 height: 64.5em;
 width: 607px;
 padding: 0px;
 background-color: #FFF;
 h2 {margin:0 0 1em;}

 .grid { width:100%;
 display: table; 
 border-spacing: 4px; 
 .row { 
 display: table-row; 
 .image { 
 display: table-cell; 
 width: 240px; 
 background-color: #000; 
 border: 8px solid #000; 
 vertical-align: top; 
 text-align: center; 
 .image p { 
 color: #fff; 
 font-size: 85%; 
 text-align: left;
 padding-top: 8px;




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