我有一个运行缓慢的大型 Haskell 程序。分析和测试表明,大部分时间都花在比较非常重要的特定大型数据类型的相等性和排序上。相等是一种有用的操作(这是状态空间搜索,图搜索比树搜索更可取),但我只需要此类的 Ord 实例即可使用 Maps。所以我想做的是说

instance Eq BigThing where
(==) b b' = name b == name b' &&
            firstPart b == firstPart b' &&
            secondPart b == secondPart b' &&
            {- ...and so on... -}

instance Ord BigThing where
compare b b' = compare (name b) (name b')

但是,由于不同对象的名称可能并不总是不同,这可能会产生奇怪的情况,即根据 == 两个 BigThings 可能不相等,但比较它们会产生 EQ。

这会导致 Haskell 库出现问题吗?有没有另一种方法可以满足详细的相等操作但订购便宜的要求?


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instance Eq BigThing where
    x == y  =  compare x y == EQ


如果您需要一个Eq比较所有字段的实例,那么您可以通过包装BigThing到 a中来保持一致,为它newtype定义上面的内容,并在您需要根据以下顺序排序时在您的算法中使用它:EqOrdname

newtype BigThing' a b c = BigThing' (BigThing a b c)
instance Eq BigThing' where
    x == y  =  compare x y == EQ
instance Ord BigThing' where
    compare (BigThing b) (BigThing b') = compare (name b) (name b')


module BigThing
    ( BigThing()
    , bigThing
    , btHash, btName, btSurname

import Data.Hashable

data BigThing = BigThing { btHash :: Int,
                           btName :: String,
                           btSurname :: String } -- etc
  deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- Since the derived Eq/Ord instances compare fields lexicographically and
-- btHash is the first, they'll compare the hash first and continue with the
-- other fields only if the hashes are equal.
-- See http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/derived.html#sect10.1
-- Alternativelly, you can create similar Eq/Ord instances yourself, if for any
-- reason you don't want the hash to be the first field.

-- A smart constructor for creating instances. Your module will not export the
-- BigThing constructor, it will export this function instead:
bigThing :: String -> String -> BigThing
bigThing nm snm = BigThing (hash (nm, snm)) nm snm



module HashOrd
    ( Hashed()
    , getHashed
    , hashedHash

import Data.Hashable

data Hashed a = Hashed { hashedHash :: Int, getHashed :: a }
  deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Read, Bounded)

hashed :: (Hashable a) => a -> Hashed a
hashed x = Hashed (hash x) x

instance Hashable a => Hashable (Hashed a) where
    hashWithSalt salt (Hashed _ x) = hashWithSalt salt x
于 2013-06-14T18:43:01.163 回答