I'm building a quote calculator that makes all the calculations client side with Javascript, and then if the person wishes to go ahead with the quote, all the information they've entered will be copied from the list structure into a form and submitted via PHP.

Is it likely that there will be any issues that will cause the browser to freeze during this process, causing the user to refresh and lose all of the details they've entered?

The reason I'm worried about freezing is because parts of the quote calculator will include JSON requests for Google Maps API v3 services, and I think that increases the chances of getting non responsive webpages.

If there are potential issues, how can I plan to avoid them best?

Is there a way to save the details they enter without an active server connection, in case they have to refresh, I'm thinking probably a cookie?


1 回答 1

  1. 对 Google Maps 的 JSON 请求**可能**导致冻结屏幕/无响应页面,但遗憾的是,这个问题无法最小化,因为它取决于客户端的浏览器或计算机速度,因为这是一个重量级的请求。
  2. cookie 是临时保存他们输入的数据的好主意,但是当他们在页面上执行某些操作时,您必须设置它,例如按下提交按钮。还要记住,在刷新页面或导航到另一个页面之前,cookie 不会变为活动状态。
于 2013-06-14T17:51:38.133 回答