Is there any way to automate a tkFileDialog
selection to run it through unittest
? The following is the only use of tkinter
in my application:
root = Tkinter.Tk()
types = [('Comma Separated Values', '.csv'), ('All Files', '*')]
filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(parent=root,
Edit: I didn't mention that this part of the code was trapped in a method call from a class outside my control.
I've built a local app that creates an http server on localhost
and runs its GUI with HTML/CSS/JS in a web browser. Because of browser restrictions, I can't use the built-in file dialog and so have to send this request through Python. I want this to run on a OSX with the built-in Python 2.5. I'm not very familiar with Tcl/Tk
Attempt #1
If I could get to the underlying widgets, I could generate the clicks like in this question. However, looking at the dialog source, it appears to me that the Tcl
call in lines 48-50 is blocking. Is this a correct assumption?
Attempt #2
I thought there might be a way using Tcl
commands directly through
. Since I'm on Python2
, I think the underlying Tcl
is a single call to tk_getOpenFile
. Would I have to ensure the Tcl
interpreter is threaded? Is there any Tcl/Tk
command that can help me out here?
Attempt #3
I could implement the file selection from scratch using os.listdir
etc. (Probably in a separate HTML page communicating back and forth with the server). It would be more than a little painful and hopefully avoidable.
Based on A. Rodas's answer below, I came up with the following:
import tkFileDialog
old_dialog = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename
tkFileDialog.askopenfilename = lambda *args, **kw: filename
# First test dialog cancelled
filename = ''
# run some assertions
# Next test a valid file name with valid contents
filename = self.VALID_FILENAME
# run some assertions
# Now test a valid file name with invalid contents
# run some assertions
# Now test an invalid file name
filename = self.INVALID_FILENAME
# run some assertions
tkFileDialog.askopenfilename = old_dialog