使用 ColdFusion(当前系统),我设法散列了一个用户的密码(测试用户),它完美匹配。但是现在后面的用户不匹配。我究竟做错了什么。
theEncoding = "UTF-16LE";
thePassword = "dtD3v310p3r!";
base64Salt = "JZjdzUXREM0A7DPI3FV3iQ==";
theSalt = charsetEncode( binaryDecode(base64Salt, "base64"), theEncoding );
theHash = hash(theSalt & thePassword, "SHA1", theEncoding);
// hash always returns hex. convert it to base64 so it matches DNN
theBase64Hash = binaryEncode(binaryDecode(theHash, "hex"), "base64");
WriteOutput("<br />theBase64Hash= "& theBase64Hash &"<br/>");
WriteOutput("DBPassword= 5khDDMmoFtW+j99r/whE/TjyIUo= <br />");
theEncoding = "UTF-16LE";
thePassword = "DT!@12";
base64Salt = "+muo6gAmjvvyy5doTdjyaA==";
theSalt = charsetEncode( binaryDecode(base64Salt, "base64"), theEncoding );
theHash = hash(theSalt & thePassword, "SHA1", theEncoding);
// hash always returns hex. convert it to base64 so it matches DNN
theBase64Hash = binaryEncode(binaryDecode(theHash, "hex"), "base64");
WriteOutput("<br />theBase64Hash= "& theBase64Hash &"<br/>");
WriteOutput("DBPassword= nfcqQBgeAm0Dp1oGZI0O70Y6DvA= <br />");