我有一个 PHP Web 应用程序,可以选择生成发票。问题是我需要在草稿模式下使用点阵打印机打印发票。我试过了,但它的打印效果就像普通打印机一样,字体更大。只是它以与页面中相同的格式打印。
我需要像收据一样打印。我需要用 PHP 格式化任何东西吗?
我有一个 PHP Web 应用程序,可以选择生成发票。问题是我需要在草稿模式下使用点阵打印机打印发票。我试过了,但它的打印效果就像普通打印机一样,字体更大。只是它以与页面中相同的格式打印。
我需要像收据一样打印。我需要用 PHP 格式化任何东西吗?
首先,在连接点阵打印机的系统上应该有一个“通用/纯文本”驱动程序,可能在端口 LPT1 中。
其次,您应该向打印机发送 ESCP 命令,而不是使用 php 的内置进程进行打印。
例如,您可以创建一个 135 * 66 字符的数组,其中 135 是通常的页面宽度(以字符为单位),而 66 是通常的打印行数(在具有 8-1/2" x 12" 纸张的 24 针点阵打印机上)尺寸)。您应该小心用字符而不是字符串填充数组,谎言如下:
$GRAND_ARRAY = array();
$maxCharactersPerLine = 135;
$maxLines = 66;
//initialize the array with spaces and the last column of \r\n
for($i=0; $i<$maxLines; $i++){
$pos = $i*$maxCharactersPerLine + ($maxCharactersPerLine-1) + $i + 1;
$value = "\r\n";
$this->printChars($GRAND_ARRAY, $pos, $value);
//make an array that fits every one character of the page
//plus a column for the "next line" character
$totalCells = $maxCharactersPerLine * $maxLines + $maxLines - 1;
//what you want to print
$value = "name:"; //here is a string with 5 characters
//where you want to print it on the page
//$line = 2
//$column = 5
//consider that array starts at 0 and not 1
//$pos = ($column - 1) * $maxCharactersPerLine + $line + $column - 2;
$pos = 275; //position is 5th character in line 2
//do not just $GRAND_ARRAY[$pos] = $value because you should
//make sure that every array cell has only one character
$this->printChars($GRAND_ARRAY, $pos, $value, 1);
// also included a flag if you want to print only the $limit characters of $newstring
public function printChars(&$mainArray, $start, $newString, $limit=0){
$j = $start;
$charsArray = $this->mb_str_split($newString);
//$len = mb_strlen($newString, "UTF-8"); //can't remember why not this
$len = count($charsArray);
for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++){
if($limit > 0 && $limit < $i){
$mainArray[$j] = $charsArray[$i];
$j = $j + 1;
//this I found here on s.o. i think.
public function mb_str_split( $string ) {
# Split at all position not after the start: ^
# and not before the end: $
return preg_split('/(?<!^)(?!$)/u', $string );
创建数组后,我使用了包含 javascript 函数和 java 小程序的 qz-print 插件(https://code.google.com/p/jzebra/),以便将此数组发送到“通用/纯文本”点阵客户端中的打印机。
//just before that, I turn the array into string str.
function printESCP2(str, type, quality, pitch, line_spacing, topOffset, commands) {
if (notReady()) { return; }
qz.appendHex("x1Bx40"); //ESC @ for reset settings
var j = commands.length;
for(var k=0;k<j;k++){
if(topOffset > 0){
alert("topOffset: "+topOffset);
for(var k=0; k<topOffset; k++){
qz.appendHex("x0D"); //CR for carriage return
qz.appendHex("x0A"); //LF for line feed
if(quality == <?php echo SettingsPrinter::FONT_QUALITY_LQ; ?>){
alert("font quality: LQ");
qz.appendHex("x1Bx78x31"); // ESC x 1 for LQ (31=1)
alert("font quality: draft");
qz.appendHex("x1Bx78x30"); // ESC x 0 for Draft (30=0)
if(line_spacing == <?php echo SettingsPrinter::PRINTER_LINE_SPACING_NARROW; ?>){
//alert("line spacing: narrow (1/8)");
qz.appendHex("x1Bx30"); //ESC 0 for line spacing minimum (1/8)
//alert("line spacing: normal (1/6)");
qz.appendHex("x1Bx32"); //ESC 2 for line spacing normal (1/6)
case '<?php echo SettingsPrinter::FONT_PITCH_10; ?>':
alert("pitch: 10");
qz.appendHex("x1Bx50"); //ESC P for pitch 10 cpi
case '<?php echo SettingsPrinter::FONT_PITCH_12; ?>':
alert("pitch: 12");
qz.appendHex("x1Bx4D"); //ESC M for pitch 12 cpi
case '<?php echo SettingsPrinter::FONT_PITCH_15; ?>':
alert("pitch: 15");
qz.appendHex("x1Bx67"); // ESC g for pitch 15 cpi
case '<?php echo SettingsPrinter::FONT_PITCH_17; ?>':
alert("pitch: 17");
qz.appendHex("x1Bx50"); //ESC P for pitch 10 cpi
qz.appendHex("x0F"); // SI for condensed resulting in pitch 17 cpi
case '<?php echo SettingsPrinter::FONT_PITCH_20; ?>':
alert("pitch: 20");
qz.appendHex("x1Bx4D"); //ESC M for pitch 12 cpi
qz.appendHex("x0F"); // SI for condensed resulting in pitch 20 cpi
alert("pitch unknown -- not set");
qz.appendHex("x0D"); //CR for carriage return
qz.appendHex("x1Bx40"); //ESC @ for reset settings
window["qzDoneAppending"] = function() {
// Tell the apple to print.
// Remove any reference to this function
window['qzDoneAppending'] = null;
实际上,可以将要打印的字符数组创建为二维数组并省略 \r\n 的最后一列,因为我认为所有点阵打印机都不能很好地接受这一点。在这种情况下,应该做
//for each line of the array
qz.append($line); //line-1 turned into string, line-2 etc
qz.appendHex("x0D"); //CR for carriage return after each line
我遇到的一个问题是,如果用户选择 17CPI,那么每个字符在纸上的空间就会减少。这意味着在这种情况下,您不能依靠一个空格字符将数据分布在整个页面上。